Thursday, 22 March 2018

Wet and Unwell and in Pain

Good morning world, yes it is morning here, be it a coolish, wet morning but still morning. My state has had some extremes weather wise, we had fires and then floods.

Many streets around here have been flooded which is the norm, certain suburbs such as Wallsend and Cardiff and of course Warners Bay are prone to flooding and flood they have. The school my niece goes to in Wallsend sent students home yesterday afternoon due to flooding.

The rain was so bad yesterday afternoon that I had Natasha pick Leo up from school so I could let Tim take the car to work, I didn't want him to ride the motorbike in such bad weather. Although she was somewhat pissed off as they had her walking all over the school looking for him and ended up drenched, when she got back here she took her wet clothes off and tossed them into the dryer.

My special girl aka Jessica was in hospital all day yesterday she rang us at 3am and her dad drove her over to the hospital she was in a great deal of pain, after blood tests, chest Xray and an ultrasound she was told it was a flare up of pancreatitis.

Pancreatitis is inflammation of the pancreas, which can be either acute or chronic. Treatment options include fasting until the inflammation subsides, removing gallstones, abstaining from alcohol, medications and surgery.

Jessica had her gallbladder removed in 2015, so they are trying to find out what had caused this flare up, she needs to have an MRI done as well. She thought she was going to spend last night in the hospital but they sent her home at 6pm.

We didn't tell Leo about her being at the hospital he would have worried and wanted to see her to see that she was ok, so we told him that she was having a long day at work and when she got home she just wanted to have a bath and go to bed, which was why he had to stay here last night.

I hope today isn't as wet and Jessica isn't in pain.................................


  1. Hi, Jo-Anne!

    When it rains... it pours. I'm sorry you are dealing with bad weather, floods and fires in your region. The weather across much of the U.S. is nasty, too. My old stomping ground in Pennsylvania is being clobbered by a snowstorm, and here in Florida we had heavy t-storms yesterday and were under a tornado watch. I hope your situation improves soon. I also wish Jessica a speedy recovery from her bout with pancreatitis.

    Have a good day, dear friend Jo-Anne!

    1. Thank you, Jessica is doing much better now but this morning it is pissing down rain again

  2. Praying for Jessica, as always.

  3. Hi Jo-Anne ... I do hope all will recover from the illness and all the complications of flood et al - and Leo will be happy to see his mother in due course ... take care - and all the best - Hilary

    1. Thanks Jessica is fine now and I am about the same

  4. I am so sorry for all you are going thru. And pancreatic is dangerous. Hugs and prayers.

  5. Do hope all is well there not so good the pain so I'm told. Let's hope they find out what flared up her pancreas.
    We've had a bit of rain but not much like up north.

    1. We are all ok this morning although it is pissing down rain

  6. I hope the flood will subside and everything will be back to normal soon. Hope the doctor will find out the cause for the inflammation and Jessica will be well soon.

    1. The roads were ok on Friday and Jessica is ok too

  7. Poor Jessica. I had my gallbladder removed 2 years ago and since, have had a diverticulitis flare up and last week, I had moderate pain where the pancreas is. I', starting to have all these issues as I get older. Totally sucks!

    1. Jessica is ok at the moment the pain has settled down, fingers crossed it stays that way

  8. Hoep the rain finally stops and that Jessica is feeling better by now.

    1. Yep no rain over the weekend and Jessica is doing ok now

  9. I hope to goodness Jessica does not have to suffer that again. I have a dear friend who had an extreme time with the disease. My son was beside himself worrying there with her.


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