Thursday, 8 March 2018

Make Up Q & A

Ok yesterday I came across these questions on someone's' blog but forgot to copy the link of whose blog anyway since I am more a girly girl I thought I would use them for a post.

1. Eyelash Curler Yes or No?
Nope never used one

2. Favourite Nail Shade?
When I was younger I wore red

3. Favourite Lipstick Shade?
Depends on what colour clothes I am wearing, but I do like red if I am not worried about matching my clothes

4. Blow Dry or Air Dry your hair?
Air dry

5. Artificial Nails: Yes or No?

6. Foundation: Yes or No?
Yes, I like Avon in nude or ivory

7. Hair Up or Hair Down?
I have short hair have done since my 20's

8. Bar Soap or Body Wash?
Body wash for sure- I like to switch my scents up!

9. Bath or Shower?
Bath always only have showers if we are on holiday and there is no bath

10. Favourite Body Lotion?
Not into body lotion much , only use it when it is given as a gift

11. Do you wear perfume? Is so, favourite scent?
Yes I like Avon's Night Magic or Imari but wear different ones if given as a gift

12. Do you shave your legs everyday?
Nope too lazy

13. Favourite Lip Balm?
Don't use it

14. How old were you when you first started wearing make-up?
Around the age of 20 but I don't wear it every day only when I am going out shopping or for a meal or when I am on holiday


  1. Interesting. I read a few weeks back that Avon was closing in Australia later in the year...did you know that?

    1. Yes I know Avon is closing, I am not happy about it

  2. My dad's mother wore red nail polish and red lipstick every day. Red was her favorite color and it's mine, too. But I don't wear nail polish or lipstick. :)

  3. I was here, obviously not my thing. Is rugby on?

  4. I do not shave my legs every day either ;)


Iraq National Anthem

  This week we are looking at Iraq’ national anthem it is titled Mawtini which in English mean My Homeland, it is a poem written by the Pale...