Thursday, 19 October 2017

Scared of animals

Are you ever scared of animals?

Many people are scared of dogs, myself included, dogs I do not know and large dogs. I have a memory of being bitten by a dog when I was a child maybe that is why I am scared of dogs.

I think many people are scared of certain breeds of dogs such as Pitbulls, Rottweiler and German Shepherd now so many people will say it isn't the breed it is the owner of the dog and the way the dog is treated and maybe that is true is some way but you don't hear of a Dachshund or a Chihuahua turning and attacking its owner.

I am not saying smaller dogs don't attack they do and they do bite but it is the larger dogs that generally speaking do the most damage when they attack or bite.

I am also scared of horses because of their size they are large and that scares me, now I am sure that I would feel different if I had been raised around horses but I wasn't and I am scared.


  1. I've had dogs, cats and ridden horse so I'm not at all scared of them, but was when I was very young.

  2. I love animals- especially dogs. But I am scared of Pit bulls too!

    1. I also love many animals but can't change the fact some do scare me

  3. I wouldn't say I'm afraid of dogs, but I respect them. I'm careful about approaching them. Most of the dogs I see in my neighborhood are walking their owners in the park. Franklin likes to greet the other dogs.


  4. I don't know that I'm scared of them, but I NEVER pick up cats. Sharp teeth, sharp claws, nasty disposition, Plus, I'm allergic to them. Not as allergic as I am to horses, though. But, I never pick those critters up, either.

    1. My daughter is allergic to cats and dogs too which is why she doesn't have either. Even a little horse would be difficult to pick up

  5. Yes, I was definitely afraid of dogs when I was younger, and would probably still be afraid of bigger dogs if they were on the loose. Pit bulls. . . yikes! I just don't get it. There was a pitbull on the plane with us one row up when we flew last weekend. I think they're the dogs you hear about the most when a dog suddenly turns for no reason and attacks.

    1. Yes they are here on the news the other night we heard of a pitbull attacking and killing it's owner the cops had to shoot the dog


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