Monday, 9 October 2017

It's Did You Know Monday

Ok here we are at Monday, so here are some did you know facts...........

Dr Seuss coined the word “nerd” in his 1950 book “If I Ran The Zoo”

The name Kodak was invented by George Eastman and it means, nothing, yep nothing, when he was looking for a good name brand a friend told him that the letter K was easy too remember and that five letters in a name was a good length, so he took that advice...............

Some believe the word “tip” stands for “ to insure promptness”

In most advertisements, including newspapers, the time displayed on a watch is 10:10, so the watch looks as it is smiling............

The sentence “the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog” uses every letter in the English language...................


  1. We used to test the kids handwriting with the sentence about the fox.

    1. I remember typing this when I was learning to type

  2. My dad told me that the quick brown fox sentence was used for typing tests back in the Dark Ages when people used typewriters.


    1. Yes I used it when leaning to type

    2. I never learned to type. I refused because my mom wanted me to be a secretary. I finally learned when I started using a computer.

  3. Hmmm... never really got the smiling watch thing...I'd have to be a smile with a really big chin or a mouth where the nose should be...

  4. We learned the fox sentence in typing class. :)

  5. These are fun!!! I had no idea about the word nerd. I wonder what it meant in the book (?)

    1. Yes I always thought of nerd to be a word that came later

  6. I definitely didn't know any of those, especially that Dr. Seuss coined the word "nerd"! Still trying to figure out the 10:10 thing. Yes! I definitely remember typing the quick brown fox thing in typing class. :)

    1. I know who would have thought the word nerd would have been coined so long ago


National Anthem of Saudi Arabia

  The national anthem of Saudi Arabia is The Chant of the Saudi Nation it was first adopted in 1950 by King Abdulaziz without the lyrics, t...