Tuesday, 21 February 2017

Reality Shows No Bloody Way Give Me A Good Pretend Show Instead

Ok I don't watch reality tv shows because they are so fake and whenever I see an add for The Real Housewives no matter what city they are in, I get annoyed I am a real housewife, they are so fake.

I just don't see the point in these shows, maybe they are entertaining to some people just not me. I have never seen any of the Survivor shows or I'm a Celebrity Get Me Out Of Here.

Now I do watch The Great British Bake Off and The Great Australian Bake Off but they are the only two shows I watch.

Generally I like a good make believe show, now some people may say that they are fake shows just like reality shows but reality shows are fake shows pretending to be real, pretend shows are just that pretend. You can lose your self in them for an hour or so, just like you can a movie, I also don't mind shows that a loosely based on fact, you know a show that is about something that really happened but you know that it isn't exactly how it happened things have been changed and spiced up to make it more entertaining but still kinda true.

I generally don't like to see a movie or tv show based or inspired by a book, if I have read the book first because the show isn't the same as the book. I have read many of the Murdoch Mysteries and the characters in the book are nothing like the ones on the tv show and I love the show and the way the characters are in the show over the way they are in the books. Of course I saw the show before reading the books.

Let's talk about news shows, generally I can give them a miss, there was at time watching the evening news was a must and it still is but I usually only watch the first 15 minutes then you have half and hour of sport followed by the weather which I like to watch so maybe 20 minutes out of the hour long news is watched.

Of a morning I watch Sunrise a morning news and entertainment show but only about 15 minutes of that is fresh news they they just keep repeating themselves over and over for the rest of the time. I like to know what is happening in the country and world.


  1. Hi, Jo-Anne!

    I'm like you and find it insulting when reality shows are obviously scripted and the participants actors instead of "real" people. I used to watch Survivor but haven't been following it for several years. Mrs. Shady and I enjoy good scripted and we have watched Murdoch Mysteries. I had a career in TV news and I can testify that there is a lot of recycled content on those morning newscasts. They could replay a tape of the 6 to 7 am hour between 7 and 8 am and few people would even be aware of it, just saying. :)

    Enjoy the rest of your week, dear friend Jo-Anne!

    1. I understand repeating some news stories because not all people up early but over and over and over again in the space of an hour or two is a joke and so annoying

  2. Nice to hear I am not the only one to thing that

  3. I don't watch reality shows because I find them so embarrassing I can't stand it. Don't those people know how petty and stupid they look . . . in PUBLIC. But I'm with you, I just love the Great British Bake Off. Those people are so talented.

    1. Yes I wish I could bake like those on the show do, I don't know anyone who likes those so called reality shows

  4. I don;t like so-called reality shows and I don;t like network programming nor will I watch movies. I read, see friends, and there is one TV network I will watch on weekends. It only has old classics on. I pulled the plug on call TV and their phone service. I have a digital phone but one that costs a fraction of what Comcast charged me; and I no longer have cable TV. Just an antenna.

    1. My brother only has free to air and netflix I would not watch it enough to get netflix, mum was complaining when she was in hospital that there was bugga all on the telly she watch My Kitchen Rules and thought it was a boring show

  5. I think I'm with you on all that. Except Deadliest Catch, got to have my Deadliest catch.

    1. I have seen the shorts of Deadliest Catch and if you are into fishing shows then one may like it

  6. I'm not much on the reality shows either. I do like Hells Kitchen,Master Chef and really like Master Chef JR but even those are staged.

    The news lately gives me pain in my ulcer. I watch very little compared to what I used to.

    1. There is so much horrible stuff on the news and so much fluff that at times you have to wonder why you bother with it

  7. Totally agree with you about reality TV shows. Especially those housewife shows, I HATE them. There is nothing real about them. I also hate all the bachelor and bachelorette type of shows.

    I do watch some network programs that are just fictional entertainment. I prefer not to watch a lot of new and do what you do. I watch the first 20 minutes or so to catch the headlines.

    1. Most people I know can't be bothered with reality shows you find out what is happening in the world in the first 15-20 minutes of the news the rest is often just fluff


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