Monday, 13 February 2017

Day 3 of Port Macquarie and Home again

Well I am home again, and last night I slept pretty good, in my own bed with the air conditioner going all night and the ceiling fan on as well. Although as I was going to bed last night I realised that I had left my Cpap machine in the caravan and Tim had to drive to my parents place to get it for me.

So onto my last holiday post.

Well here I am at the end of day three in Port Macquarie, our last day here and the temps have been around 38°c all day and I am sitting in my shorts and bra most of the afternoon due to how hot it has been.

Usually a 2lt bottle of soft drink will last me a whole day but by lunch time I had drank it all and this afternoon I said to Tim, do you remember where Aldi was he said there is no Aldi here and I would have to go to Coles. He said he would go with me so I would not get lost because I have no sense of direction and alone I would end up lost.

So we get in the car and just down the road from the park was Aldi, he said there's Aldi and I said well I would have found my way there and back without any problem.

We bought some bottle water and a slab of Coke Zero and returned to the park we bought some other stuff as well because who goes to a shop a only buys what they go for and nothing else.

We went to the Pancake Place for breakfast and after breakfast we went for a drive and came across some markets and stopped and went for a wonder around the stalls and I found a bride doll that I bought for Summer for her birthday in a couple of weeks. I was lucky I had my walking stick with me as I wouldn't have managed to walk very far if I had not had it. I was in a lot of pain as it was by the time I got back to the car with my back and feet.

I am so over this heat, mum was telling me at her house today it was 42°c outside and 31°c in the loungeroom with the air con going, dad wasn't able to walk down the hallway from the loungeroom to the toilet without being out of breathe and suffering a lot from the heat.

Mum was unwell for while she couldn't eat lunch and was feeling sick and shivering she was that cold and wanted dad to take her temperature for her but he wouldn't don't know why he just wouldn't anyway she went to her bedroom and Dawson heard her crying and went to see what was wrong and after seeing her said do you want me to ring Aunty Sandy, mum said yes and so he did.

Sandy went straight up and rang Dave as well and as it turned out Dave was in the area and he went to mums as well. Sandy took her temperature and it was 39.8°c so not good should be between 36-36.5°c, Sandy but mum to bed turned the air con on in her room even though mum was cold Sandy said they needed to bring her fever down. After sleeping for a couple of hours mum was feeling better not great but better.


  1. Sounds that you are having a great time. We usually won't like to have water but if it is hot we will consume lot of water which is good for our health.

    1. I know I should drink more water but I am just not a fan of water

  2. I'm sorry for your mum and it's too bad about the heat. Heat sucks the life out of me.


  3. The Aldis thing cracked me up. Tim sure has a talent, doesn't he?

    1. Yeah I should have trusted my own knowledge and went to find Aldi

  4. Yeah I read where it was very HOT and thought about you. Our HOT weather will be here soon enough....ugh!


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