Tuesday, 10 January 2017

Reading Emails, My Mum & Jessica's Air Conditioner

Do you read your emails?

At times I wonder about Tim and if he ever reads his emails, last night he noticed a charge on his visa card and got into a tiss over it, he didn't know what it was and didn't authorised it and rang the Newcastle Permanent Building Society to complain, they cancelled the card and will issue a new card and all that is going to cause problems with money transfers and such.

Now here is the thing, this morning when I got up I remembered him saying something about it last night but I was in bed asleep or more asleep then awake and didn't really register with me what he was going on about. This morning it did so I went and checked his emails and yeah there was an email from the company that took the money it was for our contents insurance. So I told him that this morning and he said they shouldn't just take the money they should have contacted me, I said they did contact you they emailed you to tell you that they would be taking the premium on such and such a date, he has been going on how it was wrong and they should have rang him, I said businesses doing ring you about such things they email and if you don't want them to take a premium you have to ring them and talk to them. He is going on about wanting his money back but the more I have talked to him the more I think it is slowly sinking in, well I hope it is.

All this would have been avoided if he only read his emails.

In other news my mum is in hospital yesterday she wasn't feeling well and was in bed till around midday as she wasn't feeling good, she had fallen out of bed at 2am and was in pain but when my sister went to check on her she was confused and not with it so she rang the ambos who took her to hospital.

My sister Sandra and brother Dave stayed with her at the hospital for a long time, she had ct scans done as they thought she may have had a mini stroke, thankfully she didn't the ct scan of the brain showed no bleed or anything nasty. While at the hospital she was unable to have anything to drink and what they ended up saying was that they thought she was a bit dry as in dehydrated and gave her a drip and after a while she started to improve.
They also gave her a ct scan of her hip as they thought she had possibly broken her hip but that was clear but did show a lot of arthritis in her hip the orthopedic surgeon was shocked at how much arthritis there was.

We don't know how long she will be in hospital for we are taking it one day at a time, I spoke to her this morning and she sounded ok but she was in a lot of pain. Mum said yesterday when Dave and Sandy woke her she was wondering why it was midday she kept thinking I went to bed at night why is it midday. Also when the doctors and hospital staff asked her what year it was she couldn't remember and couldn't count back from 20, she would get to 11 and go forward again but as I said when I spoke to her earlier she was sounding more with it.

This morning Tim and Michael have gone to install Jessica's new air conditioning unit it is a large window unit and I told Tim I wanted it installed today as tomorrow it is suppose to be in the 40's and it is not doing any good sitting in her boot. 


  1. Business do things differently these days, so your husband does need to read his emails more often.
    Sorry to read about your mum not being well, dehydration does strange things at times.

    1. Yes he does, it took a bit but I think he got it in the end, maybe.

      Mum drinks a lot of water during the day so why she would be dry I don't know

  2. I am still trying to convince my husband that we do not need paper bills in the mail to confirm what and when we need to make payments. We do all the payments online anyway. But he continues to fuss about some paper that hasn't come in. I said, "just look it up online!" It is hard for him to convert to new ways and let go of old ones. :-) I had to chuckle at your husband cancelling the bank card, yes it is a nuisance to switch everything to a new one! I am glad that your mother was taken to the hospital and everything checked out ok. It is so scary to get old, little things can turn into big things so easily. I hope she will feel much better soon! Here we often have to turn the AC on during the day and the heater at night this time of year, isn't that crazy? :-)

    1. My mum prefers paper bills but she is 76 and doesn't use a computer so I get why she wants them.

      I pay all bills online, and get all bills online. I told Tim if he hadn't rushed in to cancel the card and waited to speak to me in the morning it would all have been sorted out without much worry

  3. Sure hope your Mom gets to come soon and is all right. No fun being in the hospital.

  4. Glad it wasn't anything life-threatening for Mum. And yes I read my e-mails, and I check my statement to see who took money out before tripping out, just saying.

    1. Yeah mum is doing much better and if Tim had asked me about the charge he didn't know what was I would have checked it out like I did and none of this cancelling the card and stuff, or if he had read his emails. The woman at the insurance company said to him we sent you notice we were taking the payment and he said I deleted the email because I didn't know what it was, I wish I could have heard what she said to that and the look on her face, I bet she rolled her eyes

  5. Yes, not reading emails can bite you on the butt. I have my credit cards accounts where I get notifications if anything is charged against one of my accounts or charge cards.
    But, I don't get notifications if they are about to hit my card. I have to read my emails to know that :)
    Hope your mum feels better.

    1. Mum is feeling much better now, I hope Tim has learnt to read emails but I expect not

  6. All businesses are trying to convert us all to electronic communication and billing. I think everyone should accept that no company today feels the need to use the phone.

    Sorry to hear about your mum. Hope she recovers quickly.

  7. My wife is the same way. She never reads her emails and then acts surprised when something happens. I keep telling her she needs to be more aware of the business and "real life" side of things but it seems like it is in one ear and out the other. Anyways, thanks for the fun read and take care!


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