Saturday, 14 January 2017

New Beaut Products? Or Not

We all see these infommerscials were this new great product is being flogged to us products like the Paint Runner Pro, don't know what it is then go here and see: now if you are like me you wonder if these products we see on the telly really work. I am always sceptical of these new beaut products and unlike some I usually do some research before I buy the product but many don't they see it they buy it then they complain it isn't as good as it is shown to be on the telly.

Another product I have seen and thought might be good is Five Second-fix this product you can go here and see what it is:, so say it is a waste of money so I was sceptical about buying it but Tim said when he saw the adds he wouldn't mind trying it so when I saw it at the local shopping centre I bought it for him it was only $20 so if it doesn't work it isn't a big waste of money we will see what happens when he uses it.

Many years ago I bought a miracle-thaw go here to learn more, anyway it was one product I still use to this day, I love it, it works as it says it should so sometimes you do get lucky and the new beaut product works.

So here is my question to all of you have you ever bought any of these new beaut products or any product advertised on any infommerscials and if so did you find the product to work as it was advertised.


  1. I don't do much impulse buying, and I never order things off the television (or call their toll-free number) because the shipping and handling fees are too high. But I have tried a few when they show up at the local store, such as one that was a battery device for polishing the dead skin off the heels of your feet. It actually works very well, and is quicker than using a piece of pumice stone.

    1. Yes if I think I want to try something I would rather buy it in a store and if it is a piece of shit I can usually return it without much problem

  2. Haven't seen these products advertised. Have never bought a thing off TV as yet!

    1. I can't see the point in buying off the telly as the products usually end up in the stores

  3. Me either. I don't watch commercial TV the adds drive me crazy.

  4. It would take more than this to make me beautiful :)

  5. I've fallen for infomercial products before and I'm rarely disappointed.

    1. The infomercial products always look good some are some are not

  6. We have a "as seen on TV store" here. Everything is so expensive. I have wondered though about that thaw mat, that you like. I think my husband falls for more of that, than I do. I know for sure,my FIL does.

    1. The thaw tray is awesome I bought it years ago and love it but I bought mine for Big W not off the telly

  7. I have saw a commercial on the thaw tray but till now I haven't bought any. Have a lovely day, Jo-Anne.

  8. I have bought a few products from infomercials. I, too bought that thaw thing but never ended up using it as I tend to use my microwave oven to thaw things.

    I bought a window cleaning gadget once that was a total waste but I bought a griddle once that was quite nice and still use it.


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