Thursday, 26 January 2017

Happy Birthday Tim and Australia

Hello everyone today is Australia Day it was a bloody long time ago when the first Europeans arrived to take possession of the country by a bloody long time I mean 228 years.

It is a pleasant day here not hot nor cold, not wet but have had some drizzle. I for some reason wasn't feeling the best this morning and ended up going back to bed for an hour before doing lunch.

Mostly for us it is the birthday of the love of my life, Tim, he is 56 today we are having lunch here but Natasha says I didn't tell her but I thought I did send a group message to all the girls via Facebook but she didn't see it so she isn't coming and it is my fault.

Also today was my brother in-laws birthday so today his family are scattering his ashes at his favourite fishing spot, he passed away last February. So yesterday my sister was telling her daughter that they were going to scatter his ashes she wanted to know what his ashes are so she explained how some people are buried when they died and some people are burnt up. So today they are going to scatter his ashes at his favourite fishing spot. My niece said you burnt Uncle Mick now you want to feed him to the fishes, she then outright refused to go to scatter the ashes. I will find out tonight if she went or not.

So I will end this with a dozen facts about Australia because it is Australia Day.

1. Australia is as wide as the distance between London to Moscow.
2. The biggest property in Australia is bigger than Belgium.
3. More than 85% of Australians live within 50km of the coast.
4. In 1880, Melbourne was the richest city in the world.
5. Gina Rinehart, Australia’s richest woman, earns $1 million every half hour, or $598 every second.
6. In 1892, a group of 200 Australians unhappy with the government tried to start an offshoot colony in Paraguay to be called ‘New Australia’.
7. The first photos from the 1969 moon landing were beamed to the rest of the world from Honeysuckle Tracking Station, near Canberra.
8. Australia was the second country in the world to allow women to vote (New Zealand was first).
9. Each week, 70 tourists overstay their visas.
10. In 1856, stonemasons took action to ensure a standard of 8-hour working days, which then became recognised worldwide.
11. Former Prime Minister Bob Hawke set a world record for sculling 2.5 pints of beer in 11 seconds. Hawke later suggested that this was the reason for his great political success.
12. The world’s oldest fossil, which is about 3.4 billion years old, was found in Australia.


  1. Happy Birthday to your husband Jo-Anne - great facts there.

  2. My plan is to be cremated and have my ashes scattered at sea.
    Preferably after I've died.

    1. Tim wants his ashes scattered around the Rock aka Uluru

  3. Happy Birthday to Tim, I hope he had a fun family gathering in honor of his day! I have to chuckle at how one family member never seems to get the memo, it works that way in ours at times too. I suppose cremation is a hard thing for a little one to understand, even though as we get older we now that death is just a natural part of our life cycle and nothing to fear at all. It's going home!

    1. Yes explaining it to my niece was hard she is only 7, I am worried about dying just not in a hurry to do it

  4. I wonder if Gina Rinehart would adopt me for a couple of hours.

    I hope your niece gets it explained to her about honoring the deceased's wishes and wanting to be in your happy place for eternity. Failing that, maybe they could give her a part of the ashes to spread where she can remember him. Or just photoshop a pic of him with Spongebob if she's in the right age category..

    1. She went to the scattering of the ashes and was well behaved

  5. Happy Birthday to your hubby. I want to be cremated too. We went to a funeral this week and the deceased was cremated and it was a very nice service, exactly what hubby and I would want for ours.

    1. Yes Tim and I want to be cremated as well, what is done with my ashes I don't care

  6. What the heck does Gina do for a living?

  7. Happiest Birthday Tim! Many many more to you. And Australia, I would love to visit you. MY sons have but it is on my bucket list. New Zealand too. I really enjoyed all those facts about your Country because I only knew three.

    1. I love New Zealand, didn't think I would but have been there 3 times and want to go back again

  8. Happy Birthday Tim and Australia! Wow! Now we want to know what Gina Rinehart does...

    the critters in the cottage xo

    1. Gina is in mining and she treats her family like shit from what I have heard on the telly

  9. Hi, Jo-Anne!

    228 years is a bloody long time just saying... :)
    Happy birthday, Australia!

    Happy birthday also to Tim. The luv of your life is still more than 10 years younger than Shady! I'm happy to learn that your weather has cooled down some.

    Thank you for listing these amazing facts about Australia on Australia Day. Seems Australia is roughly 2/3 the width of the continental U.S. It is astounding to think that Gina Rinehart, Australia’s richest woman, earns $1 million every half hour. It takes me a full hour to earn that much! :)

    Thank you for a very entertaining post, dear friend Jo-Anne, and enjoy the rest of your weekend!

    1. Yeah I wish I could earn that much money but I am rich in love and family, it cooled down now it has heated up again as I write this it is about 30°c

  10. Happy birthday to Tim and Australia. Good to know that your weather has been pleasant. Ours are rain and shine and quite cool. Great info on Australia. Some people like Gina is so blessed with so much money! With shortage of burial ground over here, it is better to be cremated. It can be hard for a child to understand.

    1. I have no money but I am rich in love and family I have no problem with being cremated, my dad has made it clear he is not to be cremated neither is my mum


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