Wednesday, 25 January 2017

Photo Wednesday

As some of you may have noticed I wasn't around much yesterday I was feeling pretty sick and spent most of the day in bed, also had Leo for most of the day and he was here last night as well, because his mum said the night before he cried and had a tantrum because he wasn't able to stay at nanna's house that night.

Anyway this week I am sharing a collage of Sue's family.


  1. I hope you are feeling better by now! It is so sweet that Leo wants to stay with you. Your family collages make me smile, so they must make you smile too!

    1. They do make me smile and I am pleased you like them

  2. Hope you are feeling better now. Great collage!


National Anthem of Saudi Arabia

  The national anthem of Saudi Arabia is The Chant of the Saudi Nation it was first adopted in 1950 by King Abdulaziz without the lyrics, t...