Monday, 2 January 2017

My New Year's Eve/2017

Here we are at a the start of a New Year, 2017.

I am hoping it is a great year with less upsets then the last year, I am getting better at letting my daughters live their own lives. Kathy-Lee is talking about moving to Queensland sometime in the next month or so, I am not happy about this but it is her life and she has to do what she thinks is right for herself and her family, I will miss her so much and yeah we can talk on the phone and Skype each other but still I will miss her.

Natasha has settled into her new house, she moved at the end of the year but she said she is going to try and get a swap because she doesn't like the driveway she is one fussy and picky girl. I am expecting to have Blain a bit over the next couple of weeks as he is with his mum and she will need someone to watch him while she is at work, the only day I can't watch him is Friday so that day he will need to go to Jessica's or Kathy's place instead.

New Year's Eve saw me in bed at 8pm as I was unable to keep my eyes open and of course I was up at 5.30am yesterday as I was today. I haven't stayed up to see the New Year in, in many years for me it is just another night. We did have Leo here but he was asleep by around 9ish although he got up a few times during the night and I found him asleep with his laptop on his bed playing something and I would close the lid and move it to the floor, only to find it on his bed again a couple of hours later. Easy to tell when he has been up he turns the hall light on and leaves it on, also he gets up and eats stuff, he ate a whole box of Drumstick type ice creams and 4 chocolate biscuits and also some strawberries and I am sure other stuff during the night.

I don't do resolutions, I just try to be the best me I can be, I am a kind and caring woman and that should count for something. I do my best not to run people down, verbally or physically I don't take my car and try to run people down, why well that's just not the right thing to do, also running people down in the car is illegal, just saying. Although over the years there have been a number of people I would have liked to hit with my car.

Yesterday I kept thinking it was Monday not Sunday not sure why just did, today is a public holiday here it is the New Year's Day holiday and it is raining been raining since I got up this morning and I was up at 5.30am again I was going to just lay in bed and listen to the rain but I had to go to the toilet and once I was out of bed I thought no point in going back to bed.


  1. Happy New Year to all of you from all of us! May your 2017 be absolutely wonderful!

    the critters in the cottage xo

  2. I can easily go back to bed. If I can't sleep I read.

    1. Yeah some times I wonder why I am struggling to stay awake when I could just go back to bed

  3. Happy New Year, Jo-Anne!

    Last night Mrs. S and I watched a movie, Spotlight, made popcorn, watched the ball drop in Times Square on New Year's Rockin' Eve, then went outside and watched a local fireworks display on a clear and mild night here in Florida. We had a great time and I was back up by 7 am to start 2017.

    I wish you and your family a year filled with blessings, dear friend Jo-Anne! (Just saying... :)

    1. If we still had fireworks locally I would make the effort to stay up and watch them

  4. I haven't stayed up to ring in the new year in years either but, since Claudia and Ben were here and stayed in, I stayed up. I'm still tired. Ha!I don't make resolutions either but I know just what you mean about the car. It's not nice or legal to hit people but...LOL Happy New Year!

    1. Thanks, if it wasn't illegal and wrong more people would hit people with their cars

  5. Boy, wish I could get away with eating the night away like I did back then...

  6. I hope 2017 is better than 2016. With a few exceptions, the past twelve months have been a crapfest.

  7. I haven't stayed up for the New Year in ages. I found out that it arrives without me so that took a lot off my mind.

    1. Yeah sure does awake or asleep the new year will begin

  8. The trick to being able to go back to sleep after going potty, is to not open your eyes. I feel my way to the bathroom - do my business and feel my way back to my bed and go right back to sleep. I don't turn on lights, or talk. Heck I don't even flush!!! :-)

    1. I don't turn lights on during the night when going to the loo so usually find it easy to go back to bed and straight back to sleep

  9. Happy 2017 to you and yours. I do fall a sleep but always my kids wake me up to see the ball drop (in Manhattan) ( we see on TV). The we talk and now text messages keep us awake anyway LOL.

    1. Cool if I could nap between the time I get tired and the time the fireworks happen it would be ok

  10. I wish that this turns out to be a happier, easier year for all of us! You are right about resolutions, the best way is to just keep trying to be and do what we know is right. Kind and caring is important! If more people were, it would be a nicer world! Yes, we have to let our kids make decisions for their own adult lives, just as we did, and learn from their mistakes, just as we did! :-) This is why mothers' get gray hair, we worry maybe even more once they are grown!

    1. Yeah as when they are grown we have less control over the things they do

  11. I hope this year brings you less stress and better health.

    I, too rarely stay up until midnight on New Years Eve. I usually make it up until the ball drops in New York as they are an hour earlier time zone.


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