Monday, 16 January 2017

Mum's Health

Hello Monday, hello world, hello bloggers and hello family, how is life treating everyone on this lovely Monday morning the 16th January 2017.

I am well, I have been up and dressed since 5.30am and what have I done, well I have read around 35 blogs and now I am writing a post for the day, I have also had breakfast but not much to do in way of housework today, just need to put the clean washing away and unpack the dishwasher I turned it on to wash at 6am.

Now to some news about my mum, yesterday she wasn't good again like she was last week when Sandy rang the ambos but this time they didn't bother with the ambos they just put her to bed and was keeping a close eye on her during the day.

Both mum and dad have a doctors appointment this morning at 8.30am with Andrew the doctor they have seen for many years and have to say he is a pretty damn good doctor, I think Sandra will be going with them to the doctors.

I felt like crying yesterday when I saw mum, I also felt useless as with my bad knees and bad back and shaking hands there is little I can do. I sent messages to all my girls as well as Kelli and Kirsty to let them know how their nanna was and I received this message from Kelli that made me feel a bit better.

 “I'm sure if you were as young as Sandra is and not going through
your own pain and suffering you'd be there too. I know you would
want to be there for nan and do more, but your tremors and bad
knees won't help. And Nana knows that loves you, you are not
useless, just cause someone else can do more doesn't make you
chop liver”

I am praying for mum every day, along with praying for Natasha who is going through her own stuff now, stuff I cannot talk about because she doesn't want me to, stuff I would love to be able to talk to mum about but have not been able to do so.

Mum hasn't been right since Nanna died and all the family are worried about her, I know my sister will ring me later and tell me what Andrew had to say about mum. It was suggested when she was in hospital last week that she goes into Belmont hospital for 7 to 14 days for assessment and for a plan to be drawn up and put in place to help her recover but mum didn't want that and I understand that but since less then a week after returning home she was not with it again shows it wasn't a once of and she has to do something more. We are going on a cruise in May and mum needs her health to improve before then.

Also yesterday we were talking about how us siblings thing mum and dad need to have an Enduring Guardianship with Sandra and Dave appointed as their guardians. Want to know more about an Enduring Guardianship go here:

So this is something we will have to talk to mum and dad about sometime soon, I also want to contact the Dept of Housing to find out how they go about getting the house altered to make it easier for mum to get in and out of the house as she can't manage the stairs any more and needs hand rails in the toilet and bathroom as well.

I do wonder how Dawson is really coping with all this he is very much a nanny's boy and he doesn't say much but I am sure he is worried about his nanna and wouldn't like to see her the way she is at the moment. 


  1. Oh my dear friend. I can easily imagine what you are all going through. Different family member in my family but the same thing really. Very difficult on everyone, especially the patient.
    Much care and prayer for your mum.

    1. Thank you it is upsetting to see mum how she was yesterday and I felt so useless but she is doing better tonight

  2. Good morning, Jo-Anne. You have been up early. It is not easy on the family members when one is not feeling well. Be comforted because what Kelli said its true. Don't allow false guilt to make you feel bad. Whenever I need to talk to someone I really can trust about things I can't share with other persons, I will turn to God and pour out all from my heart. Then I feel so much lighter knowing it is safe with Him and He understands. Take care and have a blessed day.

    1. Yes I have been talking to God a lot lately about all the things happening and stressing me out. It was good when I spoke to much today and she sounded like herself

  3. hi Jo-Anne, i hope your mum feels better soon

  4. Sorry to hear the problems you have at the moment. It is hard when we have to look after our old parents. I had to care for my mum back in the 90's its not easy. I hope she improves so you can go on the cruise.

    1. Yes I also hope she improves and thankfully she was sounding more like herself today

  5. Hope the Dr.'s can find out what is wrong with your mum, good luck.

  6. So sorry to hear your mom isn't doing well again. You can only do what you are able to do. Sending prayers and positive thoughts and love mean a lot. She knows hhow much you love her.

    1. Thank you she is doing better but only time will tell if there are more days like Sunday

  7. I hope that the doctor can help your mum. I know you are worried for her, but I do think that you need to take care of yourself, and you shouldn't feel bad about not going to the appointment with your parents. You are such a good soul!

    1. The doctor has written a few referrals for her and was really concerned about the fact that she was in a wheelchair and unable to stand

  8. So sorry to hear that you mum is still struggling with her health. That was a nice note from Kelli.

  9. When my own mother was struggling in the last years of her life I lived 1000 miles away with no money for travel and visits. It fell to my two other sisters to see that dad was taking good care of her and she got the help she needed. I felt so guilty (especially since they often told me I was slacking). Your daughter Kelli sent such a loving and truthful letter. My mother knew why I wasn't there, and she was still in good hands just as your mother is. Love is what is most important, and prayers my dear, pray for her peace and for your own. I hope that her doctor was able to be of some good assistance. Where will you be going on your cruise? That sounds exciting!

    1. Yes what Kelli said helped a lot, I know I am unable to offer hands on help and I know my siblings understand that, doesn't stop the guilt creeping in at times. We are so looking forward to the cruise.


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