Monday, 21 December 2015

Less then a week to go

Another day to make one feel like they are melting when they step outside into the heat. When I was out shopping this morning the shopping centre I went to had people handing out free bottles of water near the entrance.

I am done and dusted with my Christmas shopping, except for Tim I will have to pop out and get his present sometime this week. He is hard to buy for but then in many ways so am I. Why well because we pretty much have everything we want or need.

Have to say it is working out ok with Natasha living here, as the house is clean more often then not, she is a bit of a clean freak unlike me I am it looks good enough type of person.

This afternoon Tasha is at work, Tim is at work so I have had a quiet afternoon home alone, which you all know I so like.

However, I have to say that at times I feel like she wants to change who I am and that isn't going to happen. Like her father she thinks I buy too many Christmas presents and give presents to too many members of the family. I take after my mum and she takes after her mum we are givers this is who we are, please don't try and change me.

With less then a week to go till the big day, I am feeling nice and relaxed, I don't stress over Christmas and have to say my mum doesn't really s tress over it either. It is a busy day and such but it is also a loving family day and when I get home fro my parents place in the afternoon I am glad the day is over. I often have a nap when I get home on Christmas Day, it is also one of the few days that I actually drink well more then one or two drinks I may get a little tipsy on Christmas Day but I can at 53 I am allowed to have a few drinks on such a wonderful day.


  1. It's good it's working out with your daughter living at home. Makes life so much easier.
    We don't buy present for each other, like you we don't need anything much.
    Merry Christmas Jo-Anne..

  2. She doesn't realize that changing you into the person that's stingy on presents would result in her being out on the street as well...

    1. I agree she doesn't get it that this is me and I like who I am

  3. When your daughter gets to be your age she will understand so much more about you!

    1. So true my eldest is already turning into her mum


Week 11 of 2025

  I was up at 5am as per usual after a shower I was ready for the day even though I only had maybe 3hrs sleep last night. Kathy and family...