Sunday, 6 December 2015

Sunday at my place

Hello Sunday, I didn't go for a walk this morning just didn't feel up to do so, the girls and Michael here for lunch, did home made pizza's. So Jessica hadn't turned up by 11am so Natasha rang her and she said she didn't feel like pizza and wasn't coming, that is ok not the end of the world but wouldn't have hurt for her to let me know. During the week Kathy asked Michael what he would like for lunch he said home made pizza so I did home made pizza, teach him to tell me what he wants. He told Kathy bugga your mum, I say pizza, she makes pizza, now I have to go no matter how I feel.

This week I will stop talking about sorting out the Christmas presents and in fact sort them out but really have to do with when Tim isn't around as I honestly don't want to listen to him complain about how much I have bought for each person.

It is a very warm day but no air con this morning maybe after ever one has gone home well not Tasha as she is home, speaking of Tasha she has been cleaning the bathroom this morning the sink, toilet and bath and now she is vacuuming the house, remember she is a neat freak and we love her.

Tim this morning went to the toy run, this toy run: he goes most years and this year he asked Jessica to go with him but she changed her mind this morning and didn't feel like going. I often don't feel like doing things I said I would do but guess what I said I would do it and generally I would do it because I said I would.

While searching for more Christmas cards I found some more decorations that I have now put up I asked Summer if she wanted to help me but she wanted them in Uncle Tasha's room, yes she calls Aunty Tasha, Uncle Tasha.

I would like the air conditioner on but no one else things it is needed, so I will not be having it on for a while, maybe when Kathy leaves and I sit down to do the medication and such I will turn it on.  


  1. Absolutely. Adults people trust do things they say they are going to do. Everyone has to do things they don't want to do. I hope you got some AC. :)

    1. Didn't have the AC on during the day but turned the bedroom one on when I went to bed

  2. We had our toy run the other weekend.
    I haven't put up my decorations yet..

    1. I just put more decorations on the walls with Leo's help

  3. For the other side of your AC story, wait for my post Monday (our time).

  4. I love how you wait for Tim to leave so he doesn't complain about the're a smart woman.


Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria

  First up there are two new posts over at my Random Stuff https://jamfn....