Monday, 28 December 2015

My Christmas

Well the year is coming to an end, but it isn't over yet so no end of year post just yet, instead I will tell you a bit about my Christmas. There was only Tim, Tasha and myself here on Christmas Eve, Blain was at his fathers and Leo wanted it to be just him and his mum Christmas morning so they were not here Christmas Eve either.

So we get up around 8ish and gave Natasha her presents and Tim and I exchanged gifts I gave Tim a gift voucher and he gave me a bunch of clothes which I had picked out and bought and bagged up, I am ok with that at least I got stuff I wanted.

Then around 8.30am Jessica and Leo turned up and we gave them their presents, I love to watch Leo open presents he gets so excited about every gift, unlike Blain who is like blah about presents it is rare to get a wow out of Blain.

Anyway after the opening of presents we packed the car ready to go to my parents place, to exchange gifts, I went over around 10ish but Tim and the girls and Leo didn't turn up till around 11ish.

This year I had not only Tim but Tasha complaining that I spent too much money and shouldn't be giving gifts to everyone, in fact this year I didn't give anything to my nieces or nephews as I felt like I wasn't allowed to do so.

Also this year I felt really sad on Christmas morning, I don't know why, in fact to be honest I have been feeling sad a lot lately and have had many days when I just want to cry, this morning included.

There was only about a dozen of us for Christmas lunch, Kathy & Michael were in Sydney visiting his parents so didn't see them at all Christmas Day, Kathy and Summer came over on Boxing Day to see us and I gave Summer her Christmas bag of presents along with Kathy's.

My daughters didn't stay and my parents place for lunch as both said they would rather be home alone, Natasha and Blain called in and picked me and Tim up and brought us home as both Tim and myself had a few drinks I even had a couple of glasses of wine which is odd for me as I am not a wine drinker.

I did get a lot of awesome presents from my family a lot of bath stuff and jewellery and clothes and such, this picture is one of my gifts that I got.

Natasha thinks my siblings and others do not appreciate me but I think she is wrong, I do feel appreciated more or less, yes there have been times when I have not felt appreciated and taken for granted.

Yesterday Kathy & Michael came over for lunch and we gave Michael his Christmas gift, and also gave Sydney-May her bag of presents she seemed to like all she was given and yes she was excited and that is always a good thing.

Tasha is off work at the moment she goes back on the 4th and we have Blain here this week so he is getting to spend a lot of time with his mum which makes him happy as he does miss his mum a lot.

Also Jessica brought a gingerbread house for Christmas Day and everyone tried it and most of us liked it but could only eat a small about, talking about ginger made  us think of Aunty Joyce who loved her ginger


  1. Jo-Anne, this blog allowed me to get to meet you well and truly and I will tell you that was a pleasure. I could write more here but I would get too wordy. I will just repeat that it is good to know you, and you are a wonderful mother and grandmother.

    1. Thank you, there are some awesome people in blogland, you included, yes I have been feeling down but if it continues I will go and see a doctor and see what they have to say about it

  2. You sound like you could be getting depressed to me, Jo-Anne. I hope you will feel better after the holidays. Sounds like it was a rough Christmas at times. But that it had good parts, too. :)

    1. Yes I know depression when it hits me in the face, if things continue like this I will go see the doc and see what he says, maybe we might need to change my anti-depression medication. I am on two different tablets for depression already

  3. Take care of yourself Jo-Anne.

  4. I know this don't help a lot, but I hope you cheer up because you always make me smile (especially the bit on Al's about "whereever you pass out on Christmas") and I appreciate you and you don't even have to to do for me to have me appreciate you.

    (That last sentence- oi, I'm beginning to sound like you!)

    1. You make me smile my man, well you are not really my man, your are someone else's man but you know what I mean, well I hope you know what I mean because let's be honest here I usually have no idea what I mean

  5. Blain sounds like me - it's also hard to get a reaction out of me when I get presents - even if I love them. I hope you're able to cheer up in 2016! :)

    1. Yeah he takes after his mum, it is frustrating at times as you can't really tell if he likes his gift.

  6. Sounds like you had a busy Christmas and a lot of running around to visit family. Sorry you woke up feeling sad---I get like that too sometimes on a holiday. I guess we feel like something is missing, or like we are supposed to feel immense joy on Christmas morning, and when we don't, it leaves us feeling a little empty inside, instead.

    1. So true, I am generally not a sad person, yes I have depression but usually my medication takes care of that, and I don't usually feel sad. I am more like me now though


Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria

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