Thursday, 3 December 2015

Good afternoon I am tired how about you

Good afternoon all, it getting on to 5pm and have to say I have had a exhausting day doing nothing much, I drove the boys to school this morning then went with Natasha to hand in the keys for her house, she is all moved in here now and my house is so cluttered and one can barely move. I would sort it our but Natasha has OCD and can't handle others going through her stuff so she wants to sort it all out herself.

Natasha is one of those people who doesn't need a lot of sleep, she gets up as early as 2am and as late as 5am she says she likes the quiet time before Blain gets up and wants her attention. Remember Natasha works nights as a cleaner, well we say nights but she starts in the afternoon and finishes anywhere between 8-12pm.

I also managed to go to the library this morning to return items and borrow more, the library is one of the best ideas around. There is no way I could afford to buy heaps of books I also borrow many recorded books, aka, books on cd which I listen to while I am driving.

Yesterday my mum gave me an early Christmas present a necklace with Scorpio on it which I really like. I also gave her a in loving memory frame for her to put a photo of her dad in and hang it on their Christmas tree, I had two and gave them both to mum but told her to give one to my brother in-law so he can put a photo of his mum in it.

I really need to sort out Christmas presents this weekend, I will be getting a layby out tomorrow and sort through it and I think I might have to return a few items as the child there were bought for is no longer interested in the item, movie, tv show that I bought the toy in, if that makes any sense if not sorry not sure how to explain what I mean.

Well I am going to post this and then go and have a relaxing bath.


  1. I understand what you mean about buying merchandise from a TV show and then the child doesn't like that show any more. I'm tired too.

    1. Nice to know you understood what I meant, and the older we get the more likely we are to get tired unless you're my mum who at 75 turning 76 next month has more energy then me she gets up an hour before me and stays up later then me

  2. I hope you find some time just for you!!

    1. Well it won't be tonight, we have Leo here tonight, maybe I will get a break over the weekend, not Sunday though have the girls coming for lunch on Sunday

  3. Some days go by so quickly. Hope it was still a good one. :)

    1. Most days are good ones which I like, I may be tired at the end of it but overall most days are good days I would rather be tired then dead

  4. I've been tired for almost 36 years. Guess how old my son is!


    1. Yeah that I get our children wear us out no matter how old they get

  5. This is great do you have a catologue if so I would love one to share with friends and family.
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