Monday, 7 December 2015

Christmas Lights

One of the most visible signs of Christmas in Australia each year is the Christmas Lights displays. A very large number of families display a Christmas light of some type, lighting up their home and saying to all passers by; "Peach on earth and goodwill to all". It might be a Christmas tree with lights showing through the window. A string of icicle lights are very popular. Possibly a Garden tree covered with a net light or a string of fairy lights.

Some families take Christmas lights to a whole new level each year adding to their collection of Christmas lights decorating their home and the most dedicated even have a collection of Christmas ornaments on display through window boxes.

Multitudes of families travel around these highly decorated homes and get out and walk up to the most interesting homes during December evenings, leading up to Christmas. These outings are fantastic, free, fun-filled outings for families with small children.

Many of the dedicated people that decorate their homes so elegantly with Christmas lighting, to entertain Australia's children, are so generous with their time that they also collect funds for charity and/or sell raffle tickets.

So do you have Christmas lights at your place?

I do not, I would like to but Tim isn't so keen and even though I have been asking him to set some up for me he still hasn't done anything about it. I bought some solar powered lights so no extra high power bills. 


  1. Yes we have a few lights but not as many as our neighbours. I must try to photograph them one evening.

    1. I am hoping that on Christmas Eve Jessica and I can take Leo and Blain to look at Christmas lights around the neighbourhood

  2. It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas here in Florida, too, Jo-Anne. Mrs. Shady and I drove around looking at displays earlier this evening. I hope you get a chance to travel around your area and take in the sights and sounds of the season!

  3. We haven't put up our tree yet, maybe late next week.
    I have heard that several people are doing lights this year outside..

    1. In the complex where I live no one does Christmas lights but in the suburb there are a lot of Christmas lights

  4. Quite a few people put up lights here but you don't see the wildly decorated houses very often. Most of it is pretty subtle...just light around on the edge of the roof and maybe a tree or two with lights in the front yard. Quite a few people have their trees in front of the window, but not all. The newer houses don't even have the living room in the front on the street side anyways. I love seeing any lights, though.

    1. I love seeing Christmas lights but don't do much myself

  5. People in America decorate with lights at Christmas, too. I love Christmas and ooh and ah over the lights like a kid :)

    1. Yeah I love the lights and I also go ohh and ah like a kid

  6. I love driving around and looking at all the lights. Many of them are just gaudy, but many of them are beautiful.

  7. Dearest Jo-Anne,
    We both are like Tim... No lights at our place.
    Still trying to celebrate Christmas in the way it should be celebrated; the religious holiday it actually is.

    1. Yes I like to remember why we have Christmas and think it is sad that so many don't know what the reason is behind the celebration

  8. We do not have Christmas lights outside or even inside. We just stick to lots of Rudolphs WE live out in the country so no one would see the lights anyway. They are pretty though.

    1. I like Christmas lights but do not like to do much myself


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