Wednesday, 5 June 2013

Product Review

A few weeks ago I bought one of these mats: when I got it hubby made a face and said he thought it was a waste of money, however, he was wrong.

I would recommend this to anyone, it is by far one of the better things I have bought. Because we park our car on the front lawn during the cold, wet months we will often walk in a fair amount of dirt and mud.

The week after I bought the mat we had a number of wet days and no where near as much mud was walked into the house. I mentioned this to hubby and he was like oh I didn't notice any difference and I said well you are not the one who has to vacuum the floor so trust me I know what I am talking about. Before getting the mat I would have to vacuum each time someone walked in the house as so much dirt and mud would be walked in.

Now I just have to get a new outdoor mat as this one I have just inside the front door.


  1. Now that sounds just like the kind of thing I need- I'm off to check out their website.

  2. Cool mat! My dogs bring in a lot of dirt and mud on their paws.


  3. It sounds like a good one. sandie

  4. I need to check it out my dogs are so muddy in the spring and summer.

  5. I love these matts. They do what is promised and save so much cleaning time. :)

    1. Yeah I wasn't sure if they would work but it does and I am happy with it

  6. A product that does as it advertises? That's impressive.

  7. Nice! I'm going to check this out!

  8. Looks and sounds like the best mat to have.

  9. Sounds like a great mat. My kids track in so much dirt right now since we don't have much grass yet


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