Monday, 24 June 2013

Sick and Annoyed

Yesterday I was so sick I spent the day in bed, only getting up in the afternoon to sort out our weekly medications when I was doing this Tim says "you take a lot of tablets" I reply yeah I know and he comes back with " I don't know why you take so much" I tell him to try and stay healthy to which he replies " well they don't work as you are always sick" I then lost it with him and snapped saying I am not always sick and he goes "well you have been in bed sick all day".  So I ask him when was the last time I felt sick enough to stay in bed, he was quiet and said nothing so I answered for him it was last August when I had food poisoning.  He then gets up and wonders down to his office/room to use his computer and watch telly leaving me alone in the lounge room.

No all the tablets I take are not prescription medication I take a lot of vitamins as well and yes this is a photo of my nightly tablets I take only 4 tablets of a morning most I take at night. 

Fast forward an hour and half and I am going back to bed as I am still feeling crook, I walk into his room to say goodnight to him and the room is really warm. He has a small fan heater and it was on so the room was warm, this annoyed me too why you wonder would him having a heater on in his room on a cold day................well I will tell you.

It's because no matter how cold I say it is he will say he doesn't think it's cold and there is no need for a heater so we don't have one to use in the lounge room so at night I am rugged up with two pairs of socks, and long johns under my jammies and a rug over my legs and he goes to his room and turns on a heater..............

When I said something about me using a rug instead of a heater it went over his head and he didn't get that I was annoyed with him.

Today I have still felt less the 100% but I got up and got dressed and even looked after my granddaughters for a couple of hours while Kathy went home and did some housework. When Kathy arrived here she was in a mood and upset because Sydney-May said she didn't love her mum and wanted nanna (me) to be her mummy. I told Kathy I know it hurts when your child says something like that I have had my daughters say it to me, mostly it has been something Kathy has said to me on a number of occasions.

Hell it was only last year that Kathy told me she "hated " me and when she said it she was not angry or upset with me and that hurt more but even now I don't think Kathy gets how much that hurt me. You would think that now that she is a mother she wouldn't say such things to me anymore.


  1. I take a handful of vitamins every day. I believe in them and have been taking them for years. I do hope you get to feeling better, my friend, and that all those around you appreciate everything you do for them.

    1. Yeah I often think I have become my nan as I can remember her and pop taking a heap of vitamins every day

  2. All those drugs are a conspiracy of the medical association to KEEP YOU SICK. Stop taking all of 6 months you'll be long as you eat right and get some semblance of exercise. Pills make the pharmaceutical industry and the doctors rich....and you'll always need more meds to counteract the ones you already take. Trust me.

    1. Hard to trust someone if you don't know who they are, also somehow I doubt you are right if I don't take tablets to control my blood sugar levels they will go through the roof and yeah I could eat better but hell it isn't going to happen

  3. After all that arguing, I woulda just thrown up on him.

    1. We didn't argue I just got annoyed and walked out and went to bed

  4. Years ago, I was told to take pre-natal vitamins at night since they tend to make you queasy. Maybe you should skip them for a couple of days until you feel better.

    1. I am feeling better today I even mangaged to use my Wii Fit this morning been 4 days since I had used it.

  5. Haha- but you love your husband - couples have fights and then they make up. I take a lot of vitamins too. I hope you feel better! sandie

    1. Yes I love him he annoys me but I am sure I annoy him at times.......I am feeling better today not 100% yet but much better

  6. I hope you feel better soon, all men are the same.

    1. Yes they are...........and yes I am feeling better

  7. I'm with Al. You should have thrown up on Tim. And tell your daughter you can't help her out unless she's nicer to you.


    1. Kathy has always been one to say hurtful things to me, I wonder if she will ever change I accept her for who she is and I love her and I know she loves me even if she doesn't always show it

  8. That looks like a lot of tablets! I would have been cross about Tim having that heater on in his room! That's a bit sneaky !! Do hope you're feeling better by the time you read this.

    1. Yes it is a lot of tablets most are vitamins pretty much all the white ones are medication though, I am feeling better today

  9. daughter once called me an "evil mother" because I won't let her get her way. It's not easy being a mom.
    I hope you're feeling better.
    journally yours,

    1. I am stuffed up in the head but feeling better more or less...........and being a good mum means have a child tell you that you are horrable and mean.....

  10. I sure hope you are feeling better soon and that the rest of the week is better for you!

    1. Well this morning I didn't want to get out of bed but had to so up and dressed waiting for Kathy to drop off Summer

  11. Hope you get well soon. It is easy to get angry when you don't feel well.

    1. Yeah you are right I am more short tempered when I am not well

  12. I hope you feel better soon. I think all married couples annoy each other from time to time. Who knows what will make your daughter wake up. We're all different.

    1. Yes it is part of being with someone getting annoyed with each other........

  13. I hope you feel back to 100 percent quickly. Going nearly a whole year without being sick is spectacular.

    I swear husbands and wives never agree on how hot or cold it is. My husband is always cold and I am always hot. Aggravating at times.

    1. Me too........still not there yet..........

      My mum says her and dad rarely agree with how hot or cold it is

  14. Sorry you were feeling under the weather! Hope you are feeling better soon!


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