Saturday, 22 June 2013


The job of being a fulltime mother is the most important job in the world! A mother is not only the most important job a woman can have it is also the hardest and for ANYONE to suggest otherwise is condescending and offensive!

No one has the right to tell another person how to live their life, if you are happy being a mother and wife then all good

Hold your head high beautiful and when in doubt look at your children and know you are loved and doing a bloody great job...........


  1. Me too... especially when you're a mom that puts as much into it as YOU do...

  2. It sounds like you're trying to explain yourself. That is unnecessary. And, BTW, I don't know anyone who passes judgement on Mothers.

    1. Well I have come across people who have passed judgement on me for being a stay at home mum and no not trying to explain myself

  3. Very well said. Thank you.


  4. So true, Jo-Anne. One of my friends continually catches flack from her husband's family because she chooses to say home and raise her children.

    1. I also had people try and make me feel like I was less a person because I didn't go out and work but chose to stay home and raise my children

  5. Ugh, I hate people who somehow think that being a full time wish and mother is somehow lesser than going out to work.
    You are doing the most important job in the world and if you enjoy it and can live life you want doing it then NOBODY has the right to make you feel less.

    You are amazing

    1. Thank you, and good to know so many people agree that it a special and very rewarding job

  6. I. Love. This. POST!!!! You go, girl! {and I *so* agree}

    1. This post was inspired by my sister and something she wrote on Facebook being a mum is the best job ever

  7. What a beautiful sentiment about motherhood. I believe that mothers come in all different capacities and do so much.


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