Sunday, 30 June 2013

It's still raining and thankfully I didn't have to go out

Well it's another cold and wet day here in lovely Warners Bay and I have barely got out of my jammies by that I mean I have put a bra on and took my nightie off but I still have my winter jammies on just with a tshirt instead of a nightgown.............if that makes any sense at all.

Anyway when hubby got up this morning he went over and picked up the trailer and then went over to Kathy's new house and picked her up, he wanted Michael to help him but Michael didn't want to so Kathy went to help her dad instead. They went over to Kathy's old place to pick up a dressing table and a single bed, the dressing table will stay here and the single bed went to Jessica's place for Leo.

Kathy didn't want to get rid of the dresser because it belonged to Chad's grandmother and it went to Sydney after she passed away.

All this was done in the rain of course since it hasn't stopped raining all day, me I stayed here and made room for the dresser in the spare room along with doing a load of washing and putting it in the dryer.

Jessica just rang and asked if she could borrow my car, she is taking Blain & Leo to the drive in and in her car the radio is no longer working she sent the car to be repaired with a working radio and it returns with a working motor and a non working

I have been not in the mood to do much of anything all day which I am blaming it on the weather...................


  1. Its the same here. Depressing weather but at least i caught up on paying bills and checking off bank statements and all that sort of boring stuff.

    1. So many things are boring but have to be paying bills and such

  2. was quite nice here (adelaide) today. not too cold and a little sunny. all good. i did some washing and it's still on the line. i hope it doesn't rain tomorrow.

    1. Still wet here I am about to go and put the towels in the dryer.......

  3. I lived in the Gosford area when I was an exchange student years ago. I liked your winters, since I like cool weather. One of the families I lived with was as family oriented as you are. They still are.

    1. Out winters seem cold to us but I think to others from countries that have colder weather then they may not think it is that cold............Gosford is only a couple of hours from where I live........

  4. Poor Jessica, I told you, it's always something.

    1. Yeah she is not happy about it and wants he dad to take the car back and ask why the radio no longer works

  5. I tend not to be very motivated on dreary days....but we sure could use a rainy day to come our way.

    1. Yes when it is overcast and dark motivation is hard to come by

  6. been raining here for days but i'm forcing myself to go see the heat cause I think I need a good laugh! have a great day hon! xoxoxo

  7. It's so hot and humid here. I don't want to move.


    1. Yeah I am not a fan of hot and humid any more then I am of cold and

  8. Winter jammies sounds like what I call my comfy clothes.
    Rainy weather makes you just not want to do anything.

    1. Yes they are comfy clothes which is why I like wearing them on days when I don't need to go out and it is terrible outside

  9. I have jammies I wear when I am not well or dont plan on going out. They are soft warm and comfy and perfect for lazing in on a rainy day

  10. I was in Florida last weekend and it probably rained half of our vacation. At least it was a warm rain and we didn't mind getting wet most of the time.


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