Saturday, 15 June 2013

Dad not Father

What do you think makes a good dad?
Love and compassion are two of the most important things in my opinion, if a man loves his child and has a good measure of compassion then he is less likely to act like a raging bull when things don’t go so smoothly. Now I am not saying that will always be the case even the best dads can act like raging bulls.
Did you have a good dad?
I do, but yes he has a short fuse, and was known to act like a raging bull at times but in the whole he is a good dad. I feel a special closeness to my dad even though mum is my best friend my dad is just so special to me and I have always felt like that about him. 

How does a man know how to be a good dad?
I think he often learns it from his own dad, and his dad doesn’t have to be a good dad he could be a terrible dad and the man might think there is no bloody way I am going to be like him………….my dad’s father was a so so father he has some good points and some bad ones. I like to think that my dad took his father’s good parts.
Did you pick a good father for your children?
I did hubby is a pretty good father he is nothing like his father, who was a terrible father……………when the girls were little he had his moments when I thought what the hell you are making a mountain out of a mole hill. But in the whole he was a good father, he loves his children and will do anything for them.
 What do you call your dad? 
My dad is "dad" but I know others may have a different name for their dad, mayby you call him "father" which to me is a bit stuffy.


  1. We called our father "daddy" -- always called him that, even when we were adults. He was a good dad. He worked hard and was good at his job. Then he came home and ate supper with us and played with us and taught us new things. He never went out drinking at a bar after work. Didn't buy a lot of stuff for himself. He put our needs first. I think the words I would use for him are "devoted" and "patient." He died a little more than 22 years ago. I still miss him.


    1. My mum also called her dad "daddy" even though he was her step husband has never gone out to a bar after work either and yes he drinks a lot now but he does it in his own home and he never drank when the girls were little

  2. I've been thinking of doing something like this... but I was in the half of the family that had a strained relationship with Dad. I am saddened that a lot of times we become better Dads than the one we had, because of how bad he was. Other times, we just never take the time to look back and see where our perception of him was wrong. You can't just be loved by the kids and think, "I'm a good Dad." You've got to try to EARN it. In that, I hope my son will someday be a better father than I was.

    1. Yes hubby always wanted to be a better father then his father was to him, in fact he is very much like my father and he is also closer to my dad then he is to his father

  3. I think you have some really good points, about one generation picking up traits from the previous generation, and so forth. Glad you have great dads in your life!

    1. Yeah Tim has stived to be better then his dad and my dad well I have always thought of him as one of the best dad ever......

  4. Sadly, I didn't have a good father. He was a bit of an jerk. Luckily, I had a wonderful stepfather who, while I didn't call him so, I considered my dad.

    1. My father in-law is a jerk and Tim has never wanted to be like him...........he is more like my dad who is awesome

  5. My dad died 16 years ago today. My sister and I always called him Daddy. We still do. He certainly had his moments, like all of us, but overall he was a great dad. We loved him very much, and he loved us. I still miss him.

  6. I think it is hard for a man to learn to be a good daddy if his father wasn't a good father to him. Those that overcome their dads are to be commended. I had a grandfather that was a tough, angry man and you could see how his sons (my dad and uncles) struggled to learn to be decent parents.

    1. Yeah I think same goes for a woman learning to be a mum if her mum was the ones that overcome it and become great parents are amazing

  7. I call my daddy dad as well :)

  8. My dad is "dad," but my husband's family all called their dad by his first name. Weird. He said he always hated that, but his father demanded it.

    1. I can't imagine calling my dad by his first name to me that would be just weird

  9. Dads are special as mums are too. I call my dad just that.

  10. Dad is dad. Around The Cherubs, I call my groom dad as well. I'll be missing them both tomorrow while I'm away. :(

  11. The measure of a man is how he treats the mother of his children.

  12. I think I picked a good dad for my girls as well. I always said I wanted them to feel as comfortable running to him as to me with a skinned knee and they did.

  13. That is great, our dad are so special and it feels good when we pick a great one for our children.


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