Monday, 3 June 2013

My Nan's 92nd Birthday

I wrote this on Saturday but I have noticed this morning that it wasn’t posted………….bugga………….oh well better late than never…………………lol

Yesterday was my Nan’s 92nd birthday, so instead of doing all my shopping in the morning I went over to the nursing home were there was a gathering of family members to celebrate her birthday. Along with me and my mum there was also all of my sisters and my uncle Frank and his wife Pearla, even my dad came and he doesn’t like nursing homes but mum got all upset with him and said it wasn’t a smelly nursing home and it wouldn’t hurt him to go. Of course there was cake a nice big chocolate cake which Frank & Pearla bought and yes it was yummy. 

Now since Nan is both in a nursing home and suffering from Alzheimer’s she doesn’t need anything, so mum only got her some shampoo and conditioner and new comb for her hair. I printed up a coupe of poems for her one from mum and one from me and I have taped them to her wardrobe but forgot to take a photo of them on the door maybe on Wednesday when we visit her I can do that.

We all stayed about an hour and she was in a good mood her eyes lit up when she saw my sister Jeannie and when Sandra said that she was Temika’s mum. In fact Sandra was surprised that Nan seemed to know who Temika was but Temika comes with us pretty much each week when we visit Nan.


  1. happy belated birthday to your Nan xx

  2. Sounds like a lovely birthday.

  3. Now that is a good age, but then age is but a number.
    Happy Birthday to your Nan...wonderful to read that the family went to see her..

    1. Yes it ws good to see my sisters and my dad turn up for a change

  4. YOur family is so good to one another. All families should learn from your closeness and loyalty. Keep up the good work.

  5. What a sweet celebration! I'm so glad she enjoyed it. It is terrific to still have your Nan. Were the poems ones you and your mom wrote yourselves?

    1. I found the poems online as it was a last minute decision to do them.

  6. wow that's awesome Happy Birthday nana

  7. You're so loyal and committed to your entire family. It's great.


  8. Wow, 92! Happy Birthday to her!

  9. It sounds like Nan's family did her proud on her birthday. 92 years old...Awesome!!! I think is is great how you and your family support each other.

  10. It's wonderful you and your family gave your Nan a fantastic 92nd birthday. Even though she has dementia, I'm sure that somewhere inside she knows and loves you very much for the party and for taking care of her.

  11. What a wonderful gift that was for her. Having all her family and loved ones around must have brightened her spirits beyond measure.


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