Sunday 16 June 2013

On Ya Bike................or Not...............

When did you last ride a bike?
I haven't ridden a bike in years and would I be able to do so if Ihad to, well NO I do not think I would be able to I more likely to fall off if I tried..............yeah I have heard that once you learn how you never forget and that may be the case but truth be known I don't have the balance I use to have when I was younger.................

Have you ever ridden a motorbike?
Me I have never done so, and in fact I have never had any desire to do so, I have been a passanger on a motorbike when I was younger I remember my dad having a motorbike and he took me to school on the back of his bike and I loved it. 

Tim owns a motorbike and has said he would take me for a ride on it but I no longer interested, in fact I worry about him riding the bike but he calls me a worry wart.............I don't worry much during the day and nice weather but when he is riding the bike at night or in bad weather I can't help it I worry about him.


  1. I haven't ridden a pushbike for a long time, but would if I had time, as there is an excellent bike track down by the beach at my dads. I still have my mountain bike and found it came in handy in our travels to Broome a few years ago when our vehicle was in operable.
    Motorbike, I have licence for that, had it for years but we don't have a bike these days.

    1. See you are a much more cooler person then

  2. I have my daughter's bike left here in our garage. I look at and think, "I should go for a ride" But I never do. Like you I don't trust my balance. I used to ride a small motor bike to work and back when I lived in Papua way back in the 60's.I would be worried about Tim too If I was you.

    1. Good to know that I am not the only one to worry about their balance

  3. I haven't ridden a bike in more than 20 years, and my balance is terrible, too.


    1. So I am not the only one who would fall

  4. I think there are so many dangers with motorbikes, mainly with other drivers here and how they can be so careless around them.

    I go to spin class and ride the exercise bike in the gym, neither of which require balance!

    1. Yes I agree which is why I worry about Tim no knowing what other drivers are going to do, yeah an exercise bike is the only bike I would feel of riding

  5. The closest to a motorbike I came was when I owned a Moped back in the 80s. Boy oh boy, was I the coolest nerd on the road as I motored my "hog" to work at a dizzying clip of 20 miles an hour (don't know-SHOULD know-what the kilometers per hour were, but, let's put it this way, I was going sllloooowwwww).
    Yep, I was THAT cool.

  6. I LOVE riding my bike--but the pedal kind!

  7. hi Jo-Anne, as you probably know i drive a motor bike around bali which is rather stupid really but i love it. i've always had scooters or bikes. wish i had one now. although in winter maybe not so much. i have a bicycle in the shed that i take out now and again. i'd love to be one of those people who cycle everywhere. such great exercise and lots of fresh air. :) i would be worried about tim too. it's not the bike rider it's the other road users that you have to worry about. you should go for a spin with tim

    1. Yeah I did know about you riding a motorbike around Bali..........I have had times when I thought it would be cool to have scooter but most of the time I am chicken shit and to worried that I would fall


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  Ok it is time for some more about Australia under fire in 1942 starting off this week with Port Moresby, which is in the PNG or Papua New ...