Sunday, 6 January 2013

Beef Jerky and nothing much else

Yet another hot day here, and feeling even hotter at the moment because hubby is working in the kitchen and has turned off the A/C while he is in there. What is he doing you wonder well he is trying to make his own Beef Jerky he has never tried this before well he says he hasn’t tried it before but I thought he did give it a go many years ago but I may be wrong.   I will tell everyone how it turns out tomorrow or Tuesday as it has to marinate for 24hrs in the fridge before he cooks it.

Yes I have another headache or maybe that should read I still have a headache since I don’t think it went away at all in the last 4 or 5 days……..

Jessica has just arrived because she said she wanted to get out of her house for a bit and had nowhere else to go, also my house is air conditioned and to be honest I am surprised she hadn’t turned up earlier.

I am now cooking hot chips for Leo for lunch with a pasta dish now let’s see if he eats it. Jessica said she has no food in her house and when I asked her what she wanted for lunch she had no idea. Oh well she is old enough to feed herself. 

I am so over this headache and feeling so drained but I do know that it is the heat that is making me feel drained……………the heat does that doesn’t it drain us out and make us feel like doing bugger all. I am also blaming the heat for my brain not working and me not really having anything to blog about today except rambling dribble……………

Tomorrow Tim said he wants us to go to a bulk goods warehouse place to stock up on some things me well I would like to stock up on stuff too but can’t see the point of driving 45 minutes to do so but anyway it is what he wants to do so we will do it tomorrow.


  1. I keep forgetting its hot there. Here, we are in the mist of winter. Send some heat our way and I'll Send you a bit of our cold.:0)
    Blessings, Joanne

  2. Sure hope your headache gets better.... I know only too well what its like to be plagued by headaches....

    1. The headache has been much better today, but hasn't been as hot today. Tomorrow is suppose to be the hottest day in the country in years..........

  3. Hope you get to feeling better. The heat that you describe is horrible. I also like bulk stores.

    1. We went and checked out the bulk store but their prices were silly and we ended up not getting anything.

  4. Thanks Jo-Anne for the lovely comment you wrote on my blog :)
    Hope your headache goes soon..I only do what I have to do when it's hot, I guess most of us do.

    1. Today hasn't been as hot so no headache for most of the day but tomorrow it is going to be the hotest day in the county in decades so I am expecting to end up with another headache

  5. Those headaches are horrible. I hope the dr. can figure out what it is and give you some relief. Texas is big into jerky- hope his turns out great!

    1. Yesterday was a terrible day but thankfully today hasn't been as bad, not sure how I will be tomorrow which will be even hotter

  6. Hi Jo-Anne - haven't seen you for a while. I just started a new grandmother blog you might like. Check it out I would love to have you participate! We are determined to dispel the notion that grandmothers are 'old'. We are GRAND!

    1. I will go and checkout that new blog when I leave here, it sounds likt something I would be interested in since I am a grandmother who likes to spoil her

  7. I definitely want to know how that jerky turns out, even if I am vegetarian lol! I can still appreciate the idea of a good beef jerky!

    1. He said he will cook the jerky tomorrow he forgot about it

  8. Hi Jo-Anne. It must be awful to have that headache all the time, but I guess you're right, it's obviously the heat that's doing it for you :( Will be interesting to hear how Tim's Beef Jerky turns out! Take care.

    1. Yes the headache was terrible but nno headache today but not sure about tomorrow as it is suppose to be the hotest day in decades.........

  9. Why would Tim turn off the AC while he works in the kitchen? He must be broiling. Make sure you drink plenty of water. Dehydration can cause headaches. So can depression. That's why I've had a headache most of my life.


    1. Because the A/C is in the kitchen and he said standing in front of it made him cold.......I am good at not getting dehydrated.......

  10. People do get confused when we talk about being hot and sweaty while they are freezing in the Northern Hemp. We've been having hot weather in Qld but not as hot in the southern states for a change. Quite bearable, but the AC helps. Beef Jerky? My father was a bushy and always called it Bully Beef. He lived on bully beef and damper while he drove cattle.

    1. So hot here today, one of the hottest days in recorded history is what they said on the news


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