Monday, 14 January 2013

Childhood Toy & Pet

First I would like to say that the idea for this post came to me from something I read on Timothy's bog last year and I am only now just getting around to finishing the post and posting it…….lol he can be found here:

Do you have a favourite childhood toy, I remember when as a little girl I had this large doll that I loved it was often being taken to the doll hospital for repair. Her face use to break a lot, I wish I could show you a photo of her but I can't find one I did get this photo of the internet and she did look something like that...........

How about childhood pets as a little girl I had a blue cattle dog named "Blue" and I loved that dog I use to ride him like a horse and he was so gentle with me but not with others, there was this one time I was out the front near the front gate and a lady walked past and spoke to me and made the mistake of touching me and what did Blue do he bite her that’s what.


  1. Your playthings sound like mine. I loved Barbies and my sisters and I played with them. Growing up on a farm, I also had many little animals I loved and took care of.

    1. I think most little girls like to play with dolls at some point.

  2. I loved my dolls so much, even though I knew absolutely nothing about babies, including where they came from. Blue certainly adored you.


    1. I didn't know anything about babies either as a child not until I was about 15 when my baby sister Sandra was

  3. Did you know that here in the states they have American Doll where you can take the doll in to the doctor? Costs a fortune for a visit - that's what I hear anyway. I'm a bad mom and have never bought my daughter one LOL

    My favorite toy was my Cabbage Patch =)

    1. Mum has told me it didn't cost a lot for her to take my doll into the doll hospital to have her face repaired but sometimes I had to wait till they had the money to have her repaired.....

      Cabbage Patch now that is a story for another

  4. Those dolls were nicer than the ones you see now. Your dog was obviously guarding you and he must have loved you very much. My favourite toy was a stuffed dog and my childhood pet was a stray dog but he got run over.

    1. Yes Blue was very protective of me and very tolerent of me since I would ride him around........people learnt they could talk to me but better not touch me

  5. Hi! Dearest Jo-Anne,
    I had a similar kind of large doll (I'm not a Barbies's generation, haha). I always had her beside me in my bed until getting fairy big girl. I also had had dogs in my house when child, I loved them. Always have lovely and reminiscent feeling for these memories, don't we♡♡♡
    PS> I learned that not all the country have coming-of-age day ceremony p;)

    Lots of love and hugs from sis-city in Japan, xoxo Miyako*

    1. I don't know if Barbie doll where around much when I was little I don't remember ever having one of them I loved my large blue doll.......

  6. I had a lot of baby dolls but not one in particular. I lived with a series of different relatives so my toys varied a bit. I liked art and coloring books a lot, too.

    I never got into Barbie dolls even though they were around at that time.

    1. I wasn't into Barbie either and don't remember ever having one.....and yeah I loved colouring books

  7. I played with a lot of Barbies as a kid.

    1. I don't remember ever having a Barbie doll as a child but my girls did both Kathy & Tasha loved their Barbies...

  8. barbies many! and so many outfits and parties to go to...never cared one bit for Ken either.

  9. My favorite toy was a Raggdy Ann doll. I had her for years. She was my best friend until I grew out of her. I still think of her fondly. :-)


Woman's work in war times

First up there is a new post over here: Now for today's post. During the secon...