Sunday, 4 February 2024

Week 5 of 2024


Another warmish day I had a little sleep in till 5.20am. A pretty damn warm if not hot day here but no need for the air con which is good.

Trying to get through to Tim that just because they disagree doesn't mean they hate him. In fact on his birthday when he was in a mood Sam looked straight at him and told him he isn't allow to die. Sam also said that went for me and Kathy who was here at the time but he was looking at Tim, who didn't notice and didn't take in what was said.

The laptop keeps freezing this morning but I got the shopping done took close to 2hrs but it is done.

Another warm to hot start to the day and another day of a laptop that likes to freeze. Kathy is dropping the girls off around 8.30am they are in our care for the day till Michael gets off work.

Tim has the female physio coming this morning, I have not seen him do any of the exercises she asked him to do.

Tasha took the girls with her when she went to the shops.

Bought the girls Maccas for lunch

Tim cut my hair and I had a shower before going to bed. However, after only a few hours I was up due to my legs shaking so much and me not feeling good, stayed up about 30 minutes then went back to bed.


A rough morning woke feeling not so well, I was retching while brushing my teeth after that I took my medication with a drink of milk. That made me feel worse and I ended up throwing up, I think the milk is going off after throwing up I managed to eat 2 slices of raisin toast and started to feel better but not 100%. I now have a headache.

Tim has a hand rehab appointment he says he has another appointment in a month or something.

Sandy went to the cemetery and she had Skylar with her, she looked at Skylar and thought something wasn't right when she spoke to Skylar she said “Nana” was talking to her she then gave Sandy a really long tight hug she hasn't done that before and Sandy asked why such a hug, Skylar said nana told her to do it. She then said nana told her that she loves Sandy so much.

I have felt off all day.

I am not feeling 100% this morning but not as bad as yesterday morning.

The cleaners came as they do, every fortnight.

After the cleaners left Tim turned the air con on as it is so very humid.

A new month and the start of another school year, Sam is in year 11 this year, Sydney-May is in year 9 this year and Summer is in year 6.

Sam walked in at 6.50, so no need to ring and wake him to come down.

Went to the doctor's to have my medical form filled in form my disability parking permit renewal, the Tim and I went and handed in the form to Service NSW we walked in at 11,16am and walked out at 11.28am. Had to take a number and wait to speak to someone.

After that Tim and I went down to the lake to just sit and look at the lake.

What a terrible night up an down like a yo yo and tossing and turning this went on till close to midnight. I was still awake and up at 4.50am.

This morning my internet is playing up, I keep getting a message saying I have no internet but I do have it.

Asked Tasha to let me know if she was coming down to help me get ready for bed as I am having a shower before bed but of course she didn't.

My new shorts came I will try them on over the weekend.

Had a good nights sleep up at 5.15am, it is a nice start to the day there is a slight breeze through the house.

Haven't needed the air con on at all today which is nice but it has been a warm day.

Tasha came down for an ice block she has had a busy day with work and other stuff.

Tim is pissed off with the troubles of trying to set up a meeting at work with his advocate being able to attend, the company said Monday but she is unable to attend on Monday and Tim has a doctor's appointment that morning but the company are saying to bad, to sad, don't give a fuck.


  1. Breeze? What is a breeze? Today is 38c in Melbourne and hotter towards the north of the state :(

    1. Well this morning there is no bloody breeze here either just hot and humid with sweat dripping off me

  2. It is so hard to imagine you are in heat and we are in cold. Also that you are starting a new school year. We are finishing off one. Feel better.

    1. What is just as hard to get one's head around that we are in different parts of the country and connect in minutes

  3. I'm sorry to hear about your struggles last week, Jo-Anne. Hope things get lots better in the coming days!

  4. I feel for Tim. Tell him that doing my exercises- even missing them for a few days when sick- I went from "You're not making the progress I hoped for", to "Wow, you came a long way today!" It all starts with, "I don't care if they suck, I'm doing them anyway".

    1. Tim says he is doing his exercises at night after I have gone to bed, I feel for him and hope things start to improve for him soon

  5. No change to the meds just how my body is reacting to stuff


Woman's work in war times

First up there is a new post over here: Now for today's post. During the secon...