Tuesday, 20 February 2024

Flannel Moth Caterpillar


Another Tuesday has arrived so it is time for another creature and this week we have the Flannel Moth Caterpillar.

This moth is also known as the pus caterpillar and touching this creature is definitely a no-no as the hairy comb-over conceals small, exceptionally poisonous spikes that can stick in the skin and cause excruciating pain that lingers for up to 12 hours. If you do happen to touch a puss caterpillar the best way to remove the spines is with sticky tape. Lay it over the site and rip it off.

The puss caterpillar morphs into a flannel moth, which also has a pretty hairdo, but it is harmless.

Another of the caterpillar's charming traits is its method of poo removal, it flings its faeces away from its body to prevent parasites from being attracted to it.


  1. Fascinating creature, Jo-Anne.

  2. My GOSH! I love all of the life forms blogs you so. Your animal-insect varieties are so different.

    1. I enjoy finding out more about the different creatures of the Earth

  3. Well, you DO know me, Katie, and the other fur children personally. We are exactly what we seem like. As I was speaking of in her blog. II mean SHE was speaking about. You could visit us and fall right into the household knowing where everything is and how to get on. :-)

    1. Thank you I often feel connected to those whose blogs I visit

  4. I've never heard of this caterpillar and I certainly don't want to touch one. Thanks for sharing.


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