Sunday, 21 May 2023

WEEK 20 OF 2023


A new day and a cold day again I woke at 5.10 and after peeing stayed up with the heater on of course.

So at 7.15 I start the food shopping only to have the internet drop out after 5 minutes bloody annoying.

Kathy rang at 9.20 to wish me happy mother's day, Sandy called in to give me a hug and wish me a good mother's day.

Later Sandy brought me a pot plant and some caramel slice from Coles while she was here Tasha & Jess came with more flowers red roses and jam filled donuts.

It has warmed up nicely.

So my day has been good.

This morning I woke with a lot of lower back pain not something I have very often, in fact is has been years since I last had such pain.

My computer chair has about packed it in with the struts pretty much gone.

Had a bloke come and let us know they would be turning the power off at 11.25, should be off for about an hour. Thankfully I have plenty of data on my phone and the laptop is fully charged. Tim was leaving for another medical appointment so not going to bother him. I thankfully had just finished lunch.

It is bloody dark outside as .the security lights are out also it is 5am.

I was sitting here reading a blog when I heard someone at the front door being dark I couldn't see anyone but it turned out to be Sam, he came looking for batteries.

When I tried to ring Sam at 8am his phone went to voicemail I ended up accidentally rang Sandy while trying to ring Tasha. Tasha was just out of the shower she told me to go in and find him, while trying to reverse up to Jess's door the scooter got stuck and I had to get off it in order to move it, while doing this I managed to run over my own foot, while this was going on Sandy rang me back to see if I was ok and could tell I was upset and in two minutes she was here. She went in and woke Sam who was asleep with his phone dead. He did manage to make it up to the van before the driver left.

I asked Tim if he would go to Macca's for me for lunch at first his tone pissed me off and I told him to forget it but 30 minutes later he got up asked what I wanted and went and go lunch for me.

Slept in till 5.20am just before I woe I was dreaming about sorting my meds, as I take my first lot of tablets at 5am when I get up I feel that was my subconscious telling me it was time to wake up.

At 7.20 the power went out not just in the complex though as Sandy rang she also has no power.

Thankfully the power came back on at 7.40amm and didn't go out again all day.

Tim had another appointment with his counsellor he said she feels he needs a hobby, I agree but what he has no interest in reading or doing stuff on his computer such as blogging, I really have no idea what hobby he could take up.

I had message from Jess saying Sam not going to school as he doesn't feel up to it.

The laptop has been a bitch all morning, driving batshit crazy.

Tim is off to see our GP.

Damn my jaw is moving a lot as my teeth feel like they are chattering. I don't know if I am cold or just shaking.

Tasha got a text telling her that our GP is going to reintroduce bulk billing for children and pensioners, doesn't help me and Tim though.

Another cold day I got up without issue even though it was nice and warm in my bed.

Tasha got me a few things from Wollies, including a new brand of flavoured milk to try and mini scorched peanut bars which I used to like but haven't been able to buy in years.

It was a sstruggle to get up this morning but I did it and yes I could sleep longer but it throws my day out when I do.

Had a text from Jeannie (sister) who told me our old house in Flame St was shot up.

My brother and sister inlaw went out to some event last night and won a holiday.

Tim has gone to have blood tests done.

Kathy came over to help Tasha with her assignments as Tasha is having trouble understanding it.


  1. Seems like you all are having a lot of electrical problems lately. Here in Indiana, they'd be preparing the torches and pitchforks over it...


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