Friday, 26 May 2023


 Hello well here we are at another Friday and yes it is cold here a nippy 14 degrees no need for the heater so what are Jo-Anne's thoughts on this Friday.

Well there are far too many cockroaches here for my liking Tim will need to spray again. Thankfully we haven't heard anything running around in the roof so that's good. Tim sprays himself as it costs a couple hundred bucks to get professionals to do it and the stuff Tim uses is pretty much the same stuff the professionals use. I know some of you are saying no its not but depending on the professional it can be the same stuff and it works which is the most important thing for me.

Getting rid of bugs, roaches, mice and such are the job of the tenant not the landlord and we are tenants been living here since May 1988.

Tim likes feeding the birds out the front which is ok with me except the birdseed being walked into the house is annoying but not overly so, I can live with it.

It isn't easy dealing with roaches and mice when you live next door to a hoarder, although he is a nice person, the inside of his house is not so nice. Not that it's a place I go.


  1. Hating bugs. Haven't much had them, don't now. My ex had a collection after I left.

  2. When I lived down by the river we had a problem with water bugs. We'd go to sleep in our bed and wake up in the living room - the bugs had moved us in the middle of the night and taken our bed!

    Cockroaches are hard to get rid of. Ask anyone in Florida, and they'll tell you that this is Florida. You can control them for a while, but you'll never be completely rid of them. However, bad as the roaches are, there's one thing worse: bedbugs.

    New York City has a perpetual bedbug crises. My cousin moved because her landlord refused to exterminate bedbugs from the building, and when she moved a cover was thrown over the moving van and the interior filled with insecticide and left for a week, then treated again. My cousin lived with friends and only had the clothes on her back - and her sort of nice house cat.

    Anyway... my best to you and yours today.

    1. Thankfully neve experienced bed bugs don't want to either and yeah roaches are bloody hard to get rid of

  3. I loved in Florida after we were married, and our roaches are called Palmetto Bugs as they would rather live outside, but the FLY! And they'll be bundled up accidentally with fresh produce and be brought into the house that way. Those things are about as long as a hummingbird. Another score is sand fleas. OH the itch and the big mosquitoes bring blood running down your legs if you're out there in shorts.

    1. So many bugs in the world and so many are just bloody hard to get rid of.

  4. Anything that gets rid of cockroaches is good!

  5. I'm actually shocked that the tenants are responsible and not the home owner

    1. I am just as shocked that the landlords are responsible in some countries

  6. Jo-Anne - have my comments of late been going into your spam?

  7. A happy ray of sunshine to you...


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