Sunday, 14 May 2023

 Had a really good nights sleep woke at 5.20am turned the heater on straight away.

A really cold day had the heater on and off all day.

This afternoon we had not just rain but hail, haven't had that in a while.

Jess was standing in the rain for a minute while working before jumping into the work truck to get out of the rain.

A bloody cold morning I really didn't want to get up but dragged myself out of bed, took my meds and turned the heater on.

Damn I am cold this morning I had Sam get my pink dressing gown with the hood attached down to wear when I go up the front with him.

I was pleased that Tasha brought washing down to toss in the dryer.

My nose will not stop dripping and it is driving me nuts.

Another bloody cold morning, last night I had Tasha add the heavy blanket to the bed.

Tim drove Sam into his headspace appointment and then he dropped him off at school before going to his own medical appointment.

Had the roofers here again as we have a new leak which Tim reported last night. They measured it up for a replacement roof which they thought should be done by the end of June. Here's hoping.

Yet another cold morning and I am still feeling like shit, runny nose and headache and cold.

I received 3 letters today including one I am not sure who it is from as they didn't sign it.

Sandy called in to drop of a small caramel tart she had bought for me, it was yummy. She also took the letters I had written and were ready to post.

Another cold morning I am still feeling like shit. It warmed up nicely by mid morning.

Sam didn't take his meds before going to wait for his driver and when I said “oh well don't worry about it” he ran back down and took it, I feel if I had made a fuss he wouldn't have done that.

Tasha bought me with my money of course some new singlets and undies. Including two size 16 singlets haven't worn that size in a decade or more, I hope they fit.

I have been awake since 4.20 and up since 4.35 as I needed to pee and of course it is another cold morning.

The size 16 singlet fits well I was surprised.

Yesterday arvo we had someone fro Ausgrid (electricity mob) come to the door to let us know they would be cutting power to units for about 20 minutes, it was more like 45 minutes but at least we knew what was happening.

Tim off to the doctors and to the shops as well so I am home alone for a couple of hours.

Feeling somewhat restless this afternoon.

Damn it is dark this morning the security lights around the units are not working, we had black out late yesterday afternoon thankfully it didn't last long. We have had a number of black outs since Liddell power station has closed. Coincidence maybe.

Apparently a number of units are still without power according to Jess.

At around 1pm someone came to the door to let us know the power was going out while something was checked. It turns out there is a problem with wires rubbing together causing the power to go out, however the problem is under the cement floor. I wonder how they are going to fix it.


  1. Sorry you haven't been feeling well. I hope they get the electricity going and not having blackouts! And the roof repaired. Goodness! A lot going on.

  2. Cold mornings and electricity cuts are a bad combination!

  3. Likely the start of fixing it will involve a jackhammer...


Week 7 of 2025

It is another nice cool morning with the temp being 19C, but we are looking at another hot one, just not as hot. My BGL was 5.1 This morni...