Sunday, 5 March 2023

WEEK 9 OF 2023

Sunday again another nice cool morning, I found on my table a heap of address labels Tim has prepared for me. Also on the kitchen bench was a meat tenderiser doesn't seem big enough to be mine but I could be wrong. Yes I was wrong.

It is a pretty hot day.

This afternoon Jess had a visit from her childhood friend Mary-Anne and she came over here to say hello. I recognised her she hasn't changed. They use to live in unit 7 where Tasha is now.

The start of another school week, I have been up since 5.10am again it is nice this morning with the doors opened and a breeze coming through. There is the feel of rain in the air. No rain happened

Sandy came over in a right state she said she hadn't stopped crying all morning. She spent an hour at the cemetery talking to mum & dad before coming here. All I could do is hug her and listen.

She really needs out of that house.

The last day of February and going to be another hot one. On the 24th my great-niece Thea, was born weighing 3.2kilos I am on happy and excited Aunty.

Youi (CTP) mob have given permission for Tim's surgery hopefully he won't have to wait long.

Managed to get through the day without the air con being on.

Well it's the first of March already another nice cool morning going to be a pretty warm/hot day. Had to turn the air conad on at midday.

Had a good talk to Kathy this morning about my mum's childhood and how she lived with her grandma till she was 14. Also how her mum left her father when mum was only 4yrs old which is when she went to live with her grandma. Nan left with 3 children the youngest a babe in arms and a suitcase of clothes.

Going to shower myself this afternoon as I stink.

I slept well till 4.20 when I felt like peeing but managed to stay in bed till 5am. Had to ring Sam four times before he answered this morning.

A cool morning but a hot afternoon.

Tasha went and got another ear piecing with the money we gave her for her birthday. She also finally saw a doctor about her back and hip pain. He has sent her for an Xray and ultrasound but thinks it is ligament damage. Only taken months for her to admit she needed to see a doctor.

A bloody early start up at 4.30am due to feeling restless and needing to pee.

Not sure if Sam is going to school as I know he has an appointment but don't know what time that is. Yes Sam went to school, Papa picked him up at midday for his appointment.

Did my online shop for delivery on Tuesday as it is only $2 for midweek deliveries.

Tim will need to go to Coles over the weekend to pick up a few things as we are out of milk and Pepsi Max.

As I am home alone I will put myself to bed, which is easier said then done.

Slept in this morning as no grocery delivery this morning, I got up at 6.20am. I was surprised at the time, as I went to the loo at 4am and didn't expect to go back to sleep but I did.

While writing this diary entry it started to rain but only a shower didn't last long.

Started to feel worn out by 11am after doing bugga all.

Kathy came and showered me and changed the sheets, she looked and sounded very tired.


  1. OH goodness, what a lot of things and places to go that everyone is doing. And so much is going on. Your weather in Australia is the opposite of mine here. Your Fall is my Spring. But you already know that.

  2. I love those days where you get the scent of rain but not the rain itself. No better peaceful feeling. Praying for Sandy. Tasha's a lot like her dad, yes?

  3. I often find myself tired lately, never actually completely getting anything done. I have to take many, many rests in the day. I have good days and bad days. Today is mediocre. Course it helps that two of mine are on vacation, so that's two less to clean up after. I did have to give the dog her shot by myself today though. Thankfully she was cooperative.

  4. Katie.......That's for sure

    Chris......Tasha is a female version of Tim

    Juli......Feeling exhausted after doing bugga all is so frustrating


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