Friday, 10 March 2023


 Here we are at Friday and that's Jo-Anne's thoughts and this week I am thinking about yoghurt. I like yoghurt but not Greek yoghurt and not a big fan of chunky yoghurt as in yoghurt with a lot of fruit in it. When I say Greek yoghurt I mean plain Greek style yoghurt, I have tried it but no I will pass on that.

Back when I was a child yoghurt wasn't common place in our household. I don't know how common it was in general here in Australia as I was a child, your know.

As an adult I started buying yoghurt and liked the smooth creamy taste of what I was buying, but when yoghurt with real fruit pieces in it came about I tried it and found some brands ok not to much fruit but other brands had far too much fruit in it and that I didn't like.

Many years ago my daughter bought me a yoghurt making kit were you add water to a powder mix and sit it in the container with hot water overnight. I used it a lot over the years but not anymore as it got tossed in the clean out late last year.

I like different flavours, Tim is a strawberry flavoured fan it is his go to flavour.


  1. I don't like yogurt at all in any form. Too sour. Especially Greek yogurt. I won't eat sour cream either, or cottage cheese. I don 't like strong smelly cheeses either, but others like cheddar, swiss, and other mild flavors are good.

  2. I only eat it because it is good for my stomach. It does have a distinct flavor - I eat plain greek yogurt and add my own dried or fresh fruit and high-fiber cereal. It's not too bad -

  3. Katie.......I so agree with you

    Chatty......Yes we do can't remember if I have tried it

    Debby......You can have it

  4. I tried Yogurt (I believe we skip the "H") for a while. It never really caught on for me, and when I tried to help it along by trying chocolate yogurt, I said, that's enough...


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