Sunday, 26 March 2023

WEEK 12 OF 2023


Had a good nights sleep awake at 4 and up at 5am, going to be another hot one.

Did the online food shop, Coles has a new website looks good.

Rode the scooter up to speak to Tasha.

Kathy and Summer arrived at 11am to do some housework and to shower me.

Awake at 4 and up at 5am again, it is a sticky morning but the breeze feels nice. Not suppose to be as hot today. It is very windy this morning.

Sandy called in to drop off a load of washing she will come back later to pick it up.

Much cooler today even a tad cold this arvo.

Awake at 4.20 to pee and up at 5am, I have nothing for breakfast so sent Tasha a text seeing if she could call into Macca's on her way home from the gym for me.

Tim up at 6.30am which was as surprise and annoying as no book this morning, he has the TV on.

Much cooler this morning but it warmed up by 10ish.

Tim rang the Perm about a transaction on his account he didn't recognise and after some talking he realised he had signed up to something he didn't mean to do. He still cancelled the card and will get a new one in the mail.

A new day has arrived going to be a warm one I am already dripping sweat. I have the doors opened and there is a slight breeze but still I sweat.

Tim's surgery is this afternoon at Warners Bay Private Hospital he needs to be there by 3.30pm.

Cleaners here this morning they will do what they can in a hour. They will be in a fortnight. The did a decent job.

What a night I had, it started yesterday arvo around 3pm. I just felt like I was going to throw up and by 3.30 I was standing over the toilet waiting to throw up. I was shaking and sweating and really felt like shit, so I rang Tasha and said help me. She sent Blain who so caring and when he didn't go back home she came to see what was happening. By 4pm I had thrown up and was starting to feel more with it. I went to bed and slept till 8.45pm when something outside woke me and of course I had a bad headache not that there are good headaches. By midnight I was still tossing and turning and still had the headache, so got up and took a couple of paracetamol tablets and around 1ish I went back to sleep till 5am when I got up for the day. After having breakfast I am feeling ok.

Found a message from Tim he had his surgery and was back in a ward.

We are in for another pretty warm to hot day with a temp of 30 degrees.

Sam's phone is going to voicemail so I sent Tasha a message which she did not reply to so after 15 minutes I rang her. She didn't answer but rang me back and went on about him being old enough to himself up without me ringing me.

Sandy came over to use the washing machine while she was waiting for it to finish she hung some photos for me. So the house is looking more like home.

At 10ish Tim rang to get Tasha to pick him up.

Dr Babu my neurologist rang at 12.30, she has increased my medication again. I now take 2 for times a day.

Had a much better night thankfully awake at 5am as usual. We had a storm last night that I slept through. Suppose to be a cooler day.

At just before 9am I looked up and saw my brother's friend Moran standing outside and wondered what the hell he was doing here. It turned out he was looking for the car that hit his car and pissed off.

Tim felt like pizza so ordered some pizza, of course he looked at the price and wanted to know what I ordered but as I said I don't have pizza very often so wasn't going for just the cheap pizza.

Woke to rain nice steady rain, suppose to rain all day.

Last night Jess told me that she asked Tasha for help with sorting out an OT Assessment for Leo and she keeps forgetting and Jess was in tears. I told her to send me the info and I will sort it out.

It is NSW state election day so Tim will have to walk down and vote

Kathy brought over some home cooked meals for me and Tim to have during the week.


  1. What a week! Tim's surgery and you getting sick. I hope things are calmer now. Glad it seems to be cooling off a bit your way. :)

  2. Nice of Kathy to bring meals.

  3. Rita......Not the best of weeks

    Diane.....Yes I am glad she did it

  4. What a mess of a week. Did Morin think someone in your family hit his car?


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