Friday, 3 March 2023



Hello everyone let's talk about cheese, I like cheese but not fancy expensive cheese that I don't like. I like Tasty Cheese, Colby, Edam, Swiss, Jarlsberg and Cheddar to name a few I will also eat processed cheese which to me is not real cheese. It is, however, Tim's favourite type of cheese. He doesn't like it when I say it's not 100% real cheese.

Processed cheese is a food product made from cheese and unfermented dairy ingredients mixed with emulsifiers. Additional ingredients, such as vegetable oils, salt, food colouring, or sugar may be included. As a result, many flavors, colours, and textures of processed cheese exist.

So what type of cheese do you like, if any.


  1. I like all the cheeses you like. I also like Havarti and Brie.

  2. I like those cheeses as well as Parmesan, Mozzarella, Pepper Jack, and all the Mexican cheeses. I do not like smelly cheeses. I'm not fond of processed cheese like American.

  3. I like processed cheese if it is going to me melted on a sandwich, but otherwise like real cheese. :)

  4. I L OVE CHEESE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Can't say I like goats cheese. Or stinky cheese.

  5. Munster is my favorite, the kids called it Monster cheese when they were little. I like feta on a salad or in an omelet. Monterey jack & Colby blended into Mac and cheese, and cream cheese on the bagel.

  6. Carol........I like those too

    Debby........Smelly cheese is a big no no in this house

    Rita........It has its place and some brands are quite nice

    Chatty......I feel the same way

    Juli.......I also like cream cheese

  7. Like you, I prefer real cheese and cheddar is my go to cheese for many things. My mother once tried to duplicate a casserole my sister had given her the recipe for. No matter how many times she tried, it was just a runny mess. So, we questioned her ingredients and technique. When we got to the grated cheddar, she proclaied that she had used Velveeta, REAL CHEESE. According to her it was superior to cheddar and she ut in "extra". To this day we all call Velveeta REAL CHEESE and laugh.

  8. Natural cheeses. Colby and medium cheddar are favorites.

  9. Well, mostly I'm with Tim. IDC if it's "real" or not. However, I've decided to expand a bit, and am gnawing my way through a chunk of Westminster Red Cheddar this week. Bold, and nutty, occasionally sweet.


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