Friday 31 March 2023



Hello Friday what a cool start too the day, Friday is the day for my thoughts and what are my thoughts this day, I don't know let me think for a bit

Ok let's talk about bread as in what type of bread do you like?

There are many different types of bread now days around a pond a time there was little to no choice. In fact now days there are over 200 different types of bread around the world. Here in Australia there are around a dozen different types mainly bought.

Once here in Australia a type of bread called damper was common place, not so much now days except around Australia Day. Damper is a thick soda bread usually round in shape.

I am boring and like plain white bread or raisin or fruit loaf but really don't like sourdough bread and yes I have tried it. When I was a child my Nan use to get brown bread which I ate but didn't like much.

Google tells me that Egyptians eat the most bread in the world which I did not know.

Thursday 30 March 2023


Here we are at Thursday and this Thursday it is somewhat cool bordering on cold this morning haven't broken into a sweat at all so far.

Well it is time for the word of the week and this week it is....nondescript which of course means, lacking distinctive characteristics and not easily defined or classifed.

Tuesday 28 March 2023


Tuesday here in Newie and my creature for the creature post is the Mimic Octopus.

This Octopus uses colour matching and shape shifting this cleaver creature avoids the jaws of its predators, it imitates many different creatures including a poisonous flatfish scooting along the sea floor and a lion-fish swimming with its toxic spines erect.

Maybe its most incredible morph, however, is when imitating the venomous banded sea snake. It conceals six of its arms in the sand and raises the other two now z,covered in thick black and beige stripes, in opposite directions to resemble the snake.

The mimic octopus was discovered in 1998 off the coast of Sulawesi, Indonesia. Most sightings have come from that country, though it's been spotted as far afield as the Great Barrier Reef in Australia.

Mimic octopuses reach about 60cm in length and are typically brown and white striped. Mimic octopuses have been observed shifting between impersonations as it crosses the ocean floor to return to its burrow.

Monday 27 March 2023


Good morning all here I am at another Monday here in Newie and Monday means facts and this week we are still in Queensland.

The state receives an average of 261 days of sunshine every year – hence its nickname, The Sunshine State.

Queensland has more than 200 national parks – so many to explore

Queensland boasts some of the oldest dinosaur footprints in the world, and they can be found in the outback town of Winton.

There are over 100 islands off the Queensland coast including Stradbroke, Whitsundays and Magnetic Island.

Queensland is home to the world largest sand island. The World Heritage listed Fraser Island.

Sunday 26 March 2023

WEEK 12 OF 2023


Had a good nights sleep awake at 4 and up at 5am, going to be another hot one.

Did the online food shop, Coles has a new website looks good.

Rode the scooter up to speak to Tasha.

Kathy and Summer arrived at 11am to do some housework and to shower me.

Awake at 4 and up at 5am again, it is a sticky morning but the breeze feels nice. Not suppose to be as hot today. It is very windy this morning.

Sandy called in to drop off a load of washing she will come back later to pick it up.

Much cooler today even a tad cold this arvo.

Awake at 4.20 to pee and up at 5am, I have nothing for breakfast so sent Tasha a text seeing if she could call into Macca's on her way home from the gym for me.

Tim up at 6.30am which was as surprise and annoying as no book this morning, he has the TV on.

Much cooler this morning but it warmed up by 10ish.

Tim rang the Perm about a transaction on his account he didn't recognise and after some talking he realised he had signed up to something he didn't mean to do. He still cancelled the card and will get a new one in the mail.

A new day has arrived going to be a warm one I am already dripping sweat. I have the doors opened and there is a slight breeze but still I sweat.

Tim's surgery is this afternoon at Warners Bay Private Hospital he needs to be there by 3.30pm.

Cleaners here this morning they will do what they can in a hour. They will be in a fortnight. The did a decent job.

What a night I had, it started yesterday arvo around 3pm. I just felt like I was going to throw up and by 3.30 I was standing over the toilet waiting to throw up. I was shaking and sweating and really felt like shit, so I rang Tasha and said help me. She sent Blain who so caring and when he didn't go back home she came to see what was happening. By 4pm I had thrown up and was starting to feel more with it. I went to bed and slept till 8.45pm when something outside woke me and of course I had a bad headache not that there are good headaches. By midnight I was still tossing and turning and still had the headache, so got up and took a couple of paracetamol tablets and around 1ish I went back to sleep till 5am when I got up for the day. After having breakfast I am feeling ok.

Found a message from Tim he had his surgery and was back in a ward.

We are in for another pretty warm to hot day with a temp of 30 degrees.

Sam's phone is going to voicemail so I sent Tasha a message which she did not reply to so after 15 minutes I rang her. She didn't answer but rang me back and went on about him being old enough to himself up without me ringing me.

Sandy came over to use the washing machine while she was waiting for it to finish she hung some photos for me. So the house is looking more like home.

At 10ish Tim rang to get Tasha to pick him up.

Dr Babu my neurologist rang at 12.30, she has increased my medication again. I now take 2 for times a day.

Had a much better night thankfully awake at 5am as usual. We had a storm last night that I slept through. Suppose to be a cooler day.

At just before 9am I looked up and saw my brother's friend Moran standing outside and wondered what the hell he was doing here. It turned out he was looking for the car that hit his car and pissed off.

Tim felt like pizza so ordered some pizza, of course he looked at the price and wanted to know what I ordered but as I said I don't have pizza very often so wasn't going for just the cheap pizza.

Woke to rain nice steady rain, suppose to rain all day.

Last night Jess told me that she asked Tasha for help with sorting out an OT Assessment for Leo and she keeps forgetting and Jess was in tears. I told her to send me the info and I will sort it out.

It is NSW state election day so Tim will have to walk down and vote

Kathy brought over some home cooked meals for me and Tim to have during the week.

Friday 24 March 2023



Well yesterday I started a post for word of the week but then my sister Sandy turned up and I forgot about it not the end of the world.

So what to talk about or should that read write about today, it is Friday and that means it is my thoughts day but what are my thoughts.

Ok I think this week's topic will be photos most people take photosof family and scenery but what do you do with them after you take them. Do you print them and store them in an album, or do like me hang many of them on your walls. Before we had all the work done to the house my walls were covered in photos but then we had to take them all down for the house to be painted.

Maybe you have an electronic device that displays digital photos, I have thought about getting one but they have to be plugged in and that means adding to our electricity bill, so no I think I will pass on that.

My daughters are so different from me as they have little or no photos on their walls and use to say I had too many.

My Mum had a lot of photos own her walls and scattered around her loungeroom floor. I will admit I was the one who hung many of the photos at my parents house as I thought the walls looked bare.

I will share photos of my walls on Wednesday as ya know that is photo day.

Wednesday 22 March 2023




Tuesday 21 March 2023


Welcome Tuesday it is creature day and this week's creature is the Wreathed Hornbill if you haven't guessed it's a bird.

This distinctive bird has specialised ridges on the top of its beak called casques, they signify dominance and gender. he males throats are yellow and the female is blue.

They mate for life and have a breeding practice akin to an ancient Egyptian burial. When the female is ready to lay its eggs she builds a nest in a tree cavity, the male then entombs her in the cavity, sealing it with mud, fruit and faeces and leaving only a slender hole through which he feeds her and their chicks.

For about four months time the female and her offspring are dependent on the male for survival.

Monday 20 March 2023


Here we at anther Monday so it is Aussie fact day and today we are looking at Queensland.

Queensland is the second largest state in Australia it is on the East Coast, the coastline stretchers around 7,000kms. It's total area is 1.853 millions square kilometers. It has a population of over 5.185 million.

It is home to the worlds largest coral reef known as the Great Barrier Reef.

The city of Cairns is a gateway to the reef and tropical Daintree Rainforest.

The capital, Brisbane, is flanked by the surfing beaches of the Gold and Sunshine Coasts.

Queensland separated from the Colony of New South Wales in 1859 becoming a self governing Crown colony and in 1901 became one of the six founding states of Australia.

Sunday 19 March 2023

WEEK 11 OF 2023

Up at 4.50am as I woke up at 4am to pee and couldn't settle back down, so gave up and got out of bed.

Kathy here early she spent a couple of hours cleaning up Tim's office. She then went to help Tasha.

I will shower myself this arvo, not as hot today and no rain as yet.

Had a good night but have been awake since 3am, woke to pee and couldn't settle back down so got up at 4.40am.

At 6.20 I saw Jess & Sam get into her car and go out, they returned about an hour later. Jess came over with Sam this morning to let me know she was taking him up to meet his driver, as it feels like rain.

Tim has taken a few more things up the front for rubbish collection. He also went and bought another security camera.

Gave Sandy a 12 pack of toilet paper because she had none and we have a 24 or 36 pack unopened in the cupboard. However doing so pissed Tim off and when he started going off I said I don't need his permission to do stuff. He then something that really pisses me off that he is the one who goes out and earns the money.

Not up as early today 5.15am it is a wet morning and I am still annoyed with Tim's carry on yesterday about the toilet paper.

Although I understand how he feels, the comment he earns the money makes me feel like he expects me to ask his permission to spend it.

Leo's phone kept going to voicemail when I tried to ring him and I had to get Tasha to go and wake him.

Tim will have to go to Coles for me as my Pepsi Max didn't come and I am out of it.

It has rained all day more or less.

Had a decent enough nights sleep but needed to get up and pee 3 times during the night which was annoying.

Tim has I think 3 appointments today and left at 9.40 and should be home around 14.30.

Not as hot as I was expecting today. No need for the air con just the fan.

I looked up and printed off a list of Parkinson's symptoms and it all sounds like me.

Been awake since 3am up since 4.45am. We are in for a scorcher mid 30's they say.

Tim has another lot of Xray's and scan to be done today and he is now talking about going back to ask our GP for the same things for his knee. He is so over the pain.

My postal voting forms arrived I will fill them it and send them back.

At around 1pm Warners Bay High rang to say Blain was sick and could someone go and get him, Tim was willing and happy to do that.

Awake and up at 4.30am as needed to pee and couldn't be bother going back to bed.

Natasha came down to have a cry it is all getting to her with her computer playing up and Blain's Xbox is playing up and now her phone is shitting itself. She feels like she is running up a hill and not getting anywhere.

Tim has hand rehab this morning and sounded annoyed when I asked him to go to the chemist and pick up the scripts.

Tasha saw her GP to get the results of her Xray the one that shows her groin fracture and he was shocked by how bad it is and the fact she is still walking. He is sending her to be checked out at the hospital.

The hospital rang her at midday and asked her to go straight over which she did. To be shock more people and she had a CT scan done and will here more either late today or tomorrow. She may need surgery.

Had a Mongood night up at 5.20am as I was hot laying bed. Opened the house up it is nice with the doors opened.

Tasha came over to let me know that she should know soon what the doctors at the hospital want to do about her fracture by sometime Monday.

Sam came over at 1.45pm and asked Papa if he could drive him to Windale to meet up with a mate.

At 2pm while I was exercising Blain walked in his dad dropped him home and Blain wanted to ring his mum but had no credit. So he wanted to use my phone.

Thursday 16 March 2023


 Well here we are at Thursday and this weeks word of the week is “assemble” which means to put together or with bring or come together

Wednesday 15 March 2023

Tuesday 14 March 2023



Well it is a wet Tuesday here in Newie and it is of course creature day and this week we have the Emei Moustache Toad,

it is endemic to China and They are found in Sichuan, Guizhou, and Hunan. They are rare species, and have nearly disappeared from Emei Shan. They live in forests, grassland, arable land, and rural gardens near rivers.

The mating season is a macho affair during February and March each year. The males sprout 10-16 spines on their top lip and migrate from the forest to swift flowing rivers to breed. They compete for territory and females by head-butting each other's bellies, often causing punture wounds. When mating is done and the eggs have spawned, the spines fall out and the fighters return to the forest.

In the frog world males that grow larger then the females as is the case with this toad ard known to be aggressive but in 90% of frog species females are the larger ones.

Monday 13 March 2023


Hello everyone here we are at another Monday and that means it's time for some facts about Australia and this we are looking at the state of Victoria.

Victoria is a state in southeast Australia. It encompasses mountains, national parks, wineries and surfing beaches. Melbourne, the state capital, has a warren of 19th-century ‘laneways’, and a central arts precinct. The Great Ocean Road follows the coast west to Port Campbell National Park, where the Twelve Apostles are limestone stacks on the edge of the ocean.

It is the second-smallest state, with a land area of 227,444 km2(87,817 sq mi); the second-most-populated state (after New South Wales), with a population of over 6.6 million; and the most densely populated state in Australia (29 per km2)

Victoria was the first state to have a flag. It was first flown in 1870 but dates back to 1865. As with all Australian state flags the Union Jack appears in the top-left corner of the Victorian flag. The Victorian badge, which appears alongside the Union Jack, features the five white stars of the Southern Cross below St Edward’s Crown.

Victoria was the second Australian state to have a Coat of Arms after King George V gave his permission in 1910. The Victorian Coat of Arms is a blue shield picturing the five silver stars of the Southern Cross constellation. A Kangaroo holding a gold crown is depicted behind silver and blue twists(the colours of Victoria).

Victoria has four emblems: the floral emblem, bird emblem, animal emblem and marine emblem.

The floral emblem of Victoria was named as the Pink Common Heath in 1958. Victoria was the first Australian state to officially recognise a floral emblem.

The bird emblem of Victoria is the Helmeted Honeyeater. The Helmeted Honeyeater is one of 170 species of the honeyeater birds that inhabit Australia.

The animal emblem of Victoria is the Leadbeater’s Possum. The possum is an endangered marsupial that was thought to be extinct from 1909 until 1961 when it was rediscovered.

The marine emblem of Victoria is the Common Seadragon. The sea creature is delicate and graceful, perfectly depicting the seagrass that it inhabits.

Sunday 12 March 2023

WEEK 10 OF 2023

Up at my usual time 5.10am, I'm feeling fine this morning I slept pretty much straight through the night, got up at 12.30 to pee but settled straight back down.

A hot day but no air con as Tim doesn't think it is hot enough. At around 1pm Michael and Kathy with Summer came over so Micheal could help install the new security camera's.

Kathy also went and helped Tasha with her assignment there were words she didn't understand and Kathy is the smart one in the family now days.

Up at 4.45am and found that Tim left stuff all over the kitchen bench which pissed me off and I had to unpack the dishwasher. I am sneezing a bloody lot and have a slight headache. The computer is driving me mad this morning, damn it would drive any sane person mad.

Tim has gone for a nerve test on his arm.

Also got the small ramp mat at the front door.

Jess is getting a window air con installed in Sam's bedroom.

A very warm morning at 5am and there is a warm wind.

I managed to spill milk all over the floor and managed to mop it up without falling ass over head.

Looks like Tasha has a fractured groin. This is what it looks like to those doing her ultrasound, one look had the technician going to find the doctor to have a look, who said it is a deep fracture. This is not good.

Turned the air con on at 9am I was expecting Tim to winge but he didn't maybe because he stepped outside and felt how hot the wind was.

The heat is making me feel ill.

Had a so so night caused by my body shaking after going to the loo at midnight. Then again at 4am when I to the loo again, so at 4.50am I gave up and got out of bed for the day.

Had workmen come and check the roof for leaks and found some cracked tiles which they repaired. They also found a dead rat in the cage Tim had put in the ceiling.

Sandy called in this arvo she has found a house only a 10 minute walk from me. She was so happy and excited about getting a place.

Been another bloody hot day.

A much cooler morning this morning but it will heat up during the day.

Sandy turned up at 8.30am and left around 1pm, she spent most of the time on the phone sorting out her bond and 2 weeks in advance rent payment, as it all has to be paid on Monday. She should get the keys on Tuesday.

I have a shit load of back pain today.

Tim up at 4am and I was up by 4.50am with Tim being up I can't listen to my audio book.

While I was waiting with Sam this morning the cow in unit 14 pulled into the driveway and gave me a dirty look. Yesterday she swerved towards Tasha's lawn where Tasha was standing.

I am not feeling good I even went for a lay down for an hour or so it helped with the headache but I still don't feel good.

I am going back to bed and hope tomorrow I feel better.

Had a decent enough sleep woke with no headache and feeling better then yesterday. I was up at 5am as per usual.

After 3hrs working on the computer it started to freeze so had to reboot.

Saw Sandy and Denni this morning for a couple of hours.

Another bloody hot day, Tim has been cleaning out his shed and taking stuff up the front for Monday's bulk kerbside collection. I think he is doing too much but he can't be told.

Friday 10 March 2023


 Here we are at Friday and that's Jo-Anne's thoughts and this week I am thinking about yoghurt. I like yoghurt but not Greek yoghurt and not a big fan of chunky yoghurt as in yoghurt with a lot of fruit in it. When I say Greek yoghurt I mean plain Greek style yoghurt, I have tried it but no I will pass on that.

Back when I was a child yoghurt wasn't common place in our household. I don't know how common it was in general here in Australia as I was a child, your know.

As an adult I started buying yoghurt and liked the smooth creamy taste of what I was buying, but when yoghurt with real fruit pieces in it came about I tried it and found some brands ok not to much fruit but other brands had far too much fruit in it and that I didn't like.

Many years ago my daughter bought me a yoghurt making kit were you add water to a powder mix and sit it in the container with hot water overnight. I used it a lot over the years but not anymore as it got tossed in the clean out late last year.

I like different flavours, Tim is a strawberry flavoured fan it is his go to flavour.

Thursday 9 March 2023

 Here we are at word of the week this weeks word is:GOGGLE not to confused with Google, just saying.

Goggle means to look with wide-opened eyes being rolled or projecting rolled eyes. Another meaning is what they call spectacles for protecting eyes.

Wednesday 8 March 2023

Tuesday 7 March 2023


Here we are again at another Tuesday which is creature day an this weeks creature is the Tufted Deer.

It was named for the distinctive patch of coarse hair on its forehead, which often hides its small antlers. It is by far the scariest looking deer with its oversized protruding canine teeth that look like fangs.

Males use their 2.5cm long tusks during mating season to fend of rivals. When threatened or startled they also bark loudly, they can also take flight moving with rabbit-like jumps and flashing the white underside of its tail. This can confuse predators long enough to escape.

It can be found in high altitude forest regions in north-eastern Myanmar (once called Butma) and Southern & Central China.

Monday 6 March 2023


Good morning Monday a day for some facts about this country I live in, Australia. This week I have five facts about the Australian Capital Territory or ACT as it is known.

The Australian Capital Territory houses Canberra, Australia’s capital, built between Sydney and Melbourne in the early 20th century. The federal district’s forest, farmland and nature reserves earn Canberra its nickname, the "Bush Capital.” The city's focal point is Lake Burley Griffin, filled with sailboats and kayaks. On opposite shores are the grand Australian War Memorial and the massive, strikingly modern Parliament House.

The ACT has two emblems: the faunal emblem and the floral emblem. The faunal emblem of the ACT is the Gang-Gang Cockatoo. It was adopted on 27 February 1997. Canberra is the only city in the whole of Australia where these grey cockatoos live.

The history of the Australian Capital Territory (ACT) as a separate administrative division began in 1911, when it was transferred from New South Wales to the Australian federal government. The territory contains Australia's capital city Canberra and various smaller settlements.

The ACT is 2,358 square kilometres, it has a population of 431,215 as of 2020

The Australian constitution mandated establishing such a capital territory. The site was chosen in 1908, construction began in 1911, and parliament moved from the temporary capital, Melbourne, into the first Parliament House in 1927.

Sunday 5 March 2023

WEEK 9 OF 2023

Sunday again another nice cool morning, I found on my table a heap of address labels Tim has prepared for me. Also on the kitchen bench was a meat tenderiser doesn't seem big enough to be mine but I could be wrong. Yes I was wrong.

It is a pretty hot day.

This afternoon Jess had a visit from her childhood friend Mary-Anne and she came over here to say hello. I recognised her she hasn't changed. They use to live in unit 7 where Tasha is now.

The start of another school week, I have been up since 5.10am again it is nice this morning with the doors opened and a breeze coming through. There is the feel of rain in the air. No rain happened

Sandy came over in a right state she said she hadn't stopped crying all morning. She spent an hour at the cemetery talking to mum & dad before coming here. All I could do is hug her and listen.

She really needs out of that house.

The last day of February and going to be another hot one. On the 24th my great-niece Thea, was born weighing 3.2kilos I am on happy and excited Aunty.

Youi (CTP) mob have given permission for Tim's surgery hopefully he won't have to wait long.

Managed to get through the day without the air con being on.

Well it's the first of March already another nice cool morning going to be a pretty warm/hot day. Had to turn the air conad on at midday.

Had a good talk to Kathy this morning about my mum's childhood and how she lived with her grandma till she was 14. Also how her mum left her father when mum was only 4yrs old which is when she went to live with her grandma. Nan left with 3 children the youngest a babe in arms and a suitcase of clothes.

Going to shower myself this afternoon as I stink.

I slept well till 4.20 when I felt like peeing but managed to stay in bed till 5am. Had to ring Sam four times before he answered this morning.

A cool morning but a hot afternoon.

Tasha went and got another ear piecing with the money we gave her for her birthday. She also finally saw a doctor about her back and hip pain. He has sent her for an Xray and ultrasound but thinks it is ligament damage. Only taken months for her to admit she needed to see a doctor.

A bloody early start up at 4.30am due to feeling restless and needing to pee.

Not sure if Sam is going to school as I know he has an appointment but don't know what time that is. Yes Sam went to school, Papa picked him up at midday for his appointment.

Did my online shop for delivery on Tuesday as it is only $2 for midweek deliveries.

Tim will need to go to Coles over the weekend to pick up a few things as we are out of milk and Pepsi Max.

As I am home alone I will put myself to bed, which is easier said then done.

Slept in this morning as no grocery delivery this morning, I got up at 6.20am. I was surprised at the time, as I went to the loo at 4am and didn't expect to go back to sleep but I did.

While writing this diary entry it started to rain but only a shower didn't last long.

Started to feel worn out by 11am after doing bugga all.

Kathy came and showered me and changed the sheets, she looked and sounded very tired.

Friday 3 March 2023



Hello everyone let's talk about cheese, I like cheese but not fancy expensive cheese that I don't like. I like Tasty Cheese, Colby, Edam, Swiss, Jarlsberg and Cheddar to name a few I will also eat processed cheese which to me is not real cheese. It is, however, Tim's favourite type of cheese. He doesn't like it when I say it's not 100% real cheese.

Processed cheese is a food product made from cheese and unfermented dairy ingredients mixed with emulsifiers. Additional ingredients, such as vegetable oils, salt, food colouring, or sugar may be included. As a result, many flavors, colours, and textures of processed cheese exist.

So what type of cheese do you like, if any.

Thursday 2 March 2023


Well it is Thursday so time for another word of the week, this week's word is: “hypersonic” which means of speeds of more than five times that of sound .

Wednesday 1 March 2023



                                                                    TIM AGED 17


  Well, here we are at another Monday and time to look at another wild dog, this week it is the Australian Dingo. Dingoes have a lifespan ...