Sunday, 29 September 2019

The Week That Was No:39

Here I am on Sunday afternoon feeling oh so tired but hanging in there.

I was up at 7am a cool day, Tim took the car.

Jess & Leo called to show me her new car, while they were here Kelli arrived to drop off Blain. It was nice seeing them all.

Natasha helping me tonight, going to be a early night I am extremely tired.

Monday I was up at 6.45am, been thinking about aqua, I want to go but have a lot of pain in my left arm and neck and my left knee isn't good either.

I did go to aqua it was good.

Not much else today, just wrote letters and read blogs.

Tuesday I woke at 6am to go to the loo but it was so dark in the house that I want back to bed till 6.30

Had a hour long nap at midday as I was falling asleep at computer.
Leo is here for the night.

Again I am done in my 6pm.

Thursday I was awake at 6am, up & dressed by 6.40am, found Leo awake in the lounge room on his ipad.

I medicated Leo at 10am. He is off again today.

Sandra came and picked up cards so Tim could give Mum money.
Leo is feed up with Blain and crying in frustration, he took his meds early.

Friday I woke at 6.15, got up went to the loo and sat on the bed thinking about what to wear today.
I managed to do my own make up.

Tasha drove me to Charlie and stayed there till Jess arrived. However, I didn't see her, she went and did her own thing.
I like Jess's new car, very nice.
I am very tired yet again.

Saturday I slept in till 7.30am, Jess arrived with Leo around 8.30 she will be back around 6pm.

Kathy & girls came over and I had a list printed for Kathy with household jobs I would like done. She did most of them without complaint.

Tasha came down and wanted me to give her the gift cards from Skin Kandy but I was strong and said NO even though she pleaded.
Jessica arrived around 6pm and was able to help me get ready for bed. Which was good as Natasha went out for the night and didn't tell me.

Now it is time to post yet again.


  1. You were brave to go to Aqua in spite of the pain. It's a tiny bit cooler here and less humid. Franklin and I went for walks two evenings this week. I don't like to leave my house but sometimes I can make myself. I am so down. If I were near you, I would help you every day that I'm not at work. Will your health service provide you with a part-time caregiver? It's hard to rely on family.


  2. It must be tough for you when your body is aching. Thank God for your love ones coming by to help you, especially those who can make time for you. Do take care and be strong.


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