Wednesday, 25 September 2019

On this day

Welcome to my first “On this day” post, well I think is it the first one.......

The 25th September is the 268th day of the year unless it's a leap year. This year it falls on a Wednesday.

Scrolling through the list of people born on this day I recognised only a dew names such as, Barbara Walters, Michael Douglas & Catherine Zeta-Jones.

The only name I recognised in the list deaths was Don Adams aka Maxwell Smart agent 86.

The 25th September is also National Youth Day for those in Nauru and it is National Researchers Administrators Day in the USA.

For me it is just another day in the month of September, how about you?


  1. I think it was national voter registration day over here. :)

  2. I think I had that Nauru story come up on some post I did last year... Today was stress free and a bit entertaining. Hope yours was too!

  3. Nothing out of the ordinary here in Alabama today. We did have a small forest fire caused by lightning but that probably won’t make your list:)

  4. Some text


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