Tuesday, 10 September 2019

Interesting Facts or maybe not

Here I am on Tuesday afternoon and that means it is interesting facts day so here are five facts you may or may not know.

Only female wasps have stingers

Some wasps sleep while hanging from their teeth

The most brightly coloured wasps are usually the ones with the most painful sting.

There are more than 30,000 species of wasps

Most species of wasps live alone, but about 1000 of them live in colonies.


  1. Of course the females would have the stingers. Makes sense.

  2. Wasps give me the hebbie-jebbies. I have always heard they can sting you more than once where a bee can only sting you once, too. *shudders*

  3. hanging from their teeth?? Good Grief! Ad 30,000 species? Who knew THAT! Ewww.

  4. I didn't know that only female wasps stung! Love these. sandie

  5. That "brightly colored" part is good to know. I knew it was that way with the frogs that are poisonous...

  6. PTM........Naturally

    Rita.......Same here, I give them a wide berth

    Katie......Gives me the shivers

    Sandie.....You're welcome

    Chris......I found that interesting


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