Monday, 16 September 2019

Did you know No 33

Hello world, what a lovely day it is this Monday at the moment it is 27 degrees Celsius. I went to aqua and now I am home with front and back doors open.

Anyway here are today's facts......

In Taiwan the Pepsi-Cola slogan “Come Alive with the Pepsi Generation” was reportedly translated on posters as “Pepsi brings you ancestors back from the dead”.

When you sneeze, all your bodily functions stop, even your heart.

The asteroid that is believed to have caused the extinction of the dinosaurs was named would they know that?????

The heaviest breed of dog is the Saint Bernard which can weigh as much as 150 kilos or 300 pounds.

In 1945 a foxhound gave birth to a litter of 23 puppies.


  1. That means I have like 28 heart attacks a day.

  2. I have heard about the sneezing, fascinating, right?☺


  3. In Taiwan the Pepsi-Cola slogan “Come Alive with the Pepsi Generation” was reportedly translated on posters as “Pepsi brings you ancestors back from the dead”. Not so good for Pepsi.

    Also I think coughing is like sneezing! sandie

  4. In other words, hay fever season brings me closer to death--LOL!

    I wonder if the people in Taiwan believed that?

  5. OMG that is so funny. I did not know that!!!! lol

  6. The Pepsi thing reminds me when Chevy tried to sell the Nova on Latin America. "No va" is Spanish for "doesn't go"...

  7. Sneezing while driving can be dangerous because we close our eyes when we sneeze.


  8. PTM.......Damn

    Natalia.....It is

    Sandie.....I know right

    Rita......I wondered that too

    Debby.....Now you do

    Chris.....Funny shit

    Janie......I know I had an accident once when I sneezed


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