Monday, 18 December 2017

What Christmas is usually like for me

As I expect most people if not all people would know Christmas in Australia comes at the start of Summer, it isn't uncommon to have stinking hot Christmas Days.

When I was a child we use to get up and open presents have ham on toast for breakfast, tin ham at that. We then loaded the car up with presents and head to my grandparents house which was only a 3 minute drive.

Christmas lunch was a traditional hot roast meal with turkey, pork, ham (not tinned) and lots of baked veggies followed by plum pudding with ice cream or custard, I don't eat plum pudding but often my nan would give me a a small piece of plum pudding that had a couple of sixpence in it.

Nowadays in my family we don't have a hot meal we do still have turkey, pork and ham (not tinned) with seafood and salads and we don't have plum pudding as the only ones who like it is my parents. We also have either a potato bake or baked potatoes because both me and my brother love baked potatoes.

We have never had a BBQ on Christmas Day and don't know of anyone who has, although I am sure that some people might do that.

In my family some years Jessica and Leo will spend Christmas Eve here with Tim and me and Santa will visit Leo here but I think this year they will be spending it with Kelli and Daemon because Jonathon has to work and Kelli doesn't want to be alone.

If it is just me and Tim here we get up when we wake up and the girls will usually pop over to exchange gifts and Tim and I will go to my parents place and Jessica and Leo will often have Christmas lunch with Kelli & Jonathon or maybe they will just go home and have a quiet afternoon alone. Kathy-Lee and her family usually have Christmas lunch at her home and will visit us and Michael's family during the day.

For many years after we stopped going to my grandparents for Christmas lunch we all went to my parents place but now our children are all grown and have children of their own that has changed and I get why it has changed but sometimes I miss the big Christmas Day lunches.


  1. For me, Christmas memories are Midnight mass and incense, a living room full of shredded wrapping paper, waiting for a shot at the euchre table, and every now and again a white Christmas.

    1. Never had a white Christmas, but lounge rooms full of wrapping paper were common

  2. It's very similar to our Christmas except it's a lot colder. It's tough when the family disperses. This will be our first Christmas in 46 years where we don't have to cook a turkey. We get to sponge off our youngest!😊

    1. Yeah Christmas changes as children grow and start their own lives

  3. It would be so unusual to have Christmas in the summer, but I bet you are used to it.

  4. We've had some chilly weather this month, but for some reason it usually warms up around Christmas. I went out to get some groceries today and saw a number of people wearing shorts. It was a beautiful, sunny day, but I would kind of like to have cooler weather for Christmas. It's our winter, but it's not like winter in most of the rest of the U.S.


    1. Stinking bloody hot here at the moment, although it should be cooler on Christmas day

  5. We're supposed to have snow flurries on Christmas. That rarely happens, but we have our fingers crossed.

    1. If it snowed here it would be all over the news because it never happens

  6. Nice to know what you are doing for Christmas and once did.
    As grandparents go, parents go, people changing the times, family not living near and so on - we who have family near or coming for Christmas Day dinner must consider ourselves very lucky.

    1. I am blessed to still have my parents and siblings I am close to

  7. Sounds like a really nice Christmas! :)

  8. Your Christmas sounds kind of like mine used to be. Now my wife and I usually end up traveling across the country in order to be with family. As we grow older I'm not sure how long we can keep doing that, but after my wife retires maybe we can move somewhere closer to all of our kids. The weather at Christmas where I live (Los Angeles) is usually pretty nice, but I haven't been here often to enjoy it.

    Have a wonderful holiday!

    Tossing It Out

    1. I can't imagine not living close to my family, we all live no more then 20-30 minutes at the most from each other

  9. Sounds like traditional Christmas. I was wondering what it might be like when it's hot for Christmas, instead of cold. It seems like someone would have a BBQ! LOL I was wondering if maybe you guys celebrate Christmas the way we celebrate the 4th of July! ;) People going to the beaches and hanging out in pools. . . Guess not!


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