Thursday, 7 December 2017

Organised Me, maybe

The other day I asked how organised for the Christmas holidays you are and how organised I am.........

Well compared to some I am pretty organised, I start my Christmas shopping in January but really kick it up a gear around the middle of the year. I am always checking out clearance racks for a bargain and have a gift box under my bed that I store things in as I buy them during the year after Christmas it is pretty much empty by the middle of the year it is full and overflowing meaning it has spread to another box or two.

Around the middle of November I did out my Christmas tee shirts and Christmas jewellery and at the end of the November I spend a day or two writing my Christmas card. I get 10 personalised cards with photos of me and Tim for a few people and buy some special cards for my siblings and parents.

Also I am checking out Groupon for deals which is where I found the deal for the personalised story books for the very young members of the family, as well as other things.

So how organised do you think I sound?


  1. Well personally I have to say that it sounds like you are very organized! You know some people wait til the last minute. We don't have a big family here - but I do have most of it done except for the baking!

    1. I know some people who wait till the last minute but that is just not me, I learnt from my mum to start early

  2. You sound super organized! I'm not at all this year or any other year for that matter. I say I'm going to be and then I don't.

    1. Yeah I get that some people never seem to get organised no matter how hard they try

  3. More organised than I am for sure.

  4. Hi Jo-Anne, you are definitely more organized than me. My Christmas preparation is very simple.

  5. You're extremely well organized. I've mailed two out of four Christmas boxes, so I'm doing pretty well.


  6. My wife shops all year for Christmas presents too. We have a few to pick up but not that many. She paints her Christmas cards and she started those the day after Thanksgiving. She's through doing those. I bought stamps on Thursday. Tomorrow she'll address and we'll put those babies in the mail Monday.

  7. Definitely sounds like you are more organized for Christmas than I ever am!


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