Thursday, 14 December 2017

Christmas with the family or not so much

Have you ever celebrated Christmas or Thanksgiving is you celebrate Thanksgiving away from hearth, home, and family?

How did that feel?

I have never done spent a Christmas away from my family and all who know me would get that to do so would feel so wrong.

Hell the first year we didn't go to my grandparents for Christmas felt strange, but at least I was still with my parents and siblings and of course Tim and the girls.

As my daughters have grown into women and mothers themselves our Christmas Day celebrations have changed but I get that they have other people they may want to see and spend the day with is it disappointing yes it is.

Kathy tells me she doesn't feel like she fits in when she goes to her grandparents place but she also doesn't feel like she fits in when she goes to Michael's family. This does upset me but I don't say much is after all she is 32 so what can I say.

Jessica is the same she would rather spend the day with her cousin than with us.

Tim also has a habit of saying he doesn't fit in and is convinced that my siblings don't like him and maybe a couple don't but what do I care, I love him as does my parents.

It is upsetting when those I love so much and who mean so much to me would rather be with other people then with other people who I love and who mean so much to me.


  1. I think it's sad too, how people drift apart... become alienated. A lonely holiday is worse than none at all.

  2. That is life Jo-Anne and as parents we have to let our children go and do their own thing even though we would want them at home when they were much younger.
    We spent Christmas Day dinner on our own last year but went to one son his wife and little ones for Christmas tea.
    This year I'm having two Christmas dinner, one Christmas Eve the other Christmas Day (so everyone can come) and eldest daughter in law is having us for Christmas Tea on Christmas Day.
    We have always had someone home for a meal on Christmas Day so far.

    1. So true, this is why I have a Christmas lunch on either Christmas Eve or Boxing Day here with all my girls and grandchildren

  3. Everyone will be here this year, thankfully. None of my family likes my husband but neither do I so...LOL There are years when one or 2 of the girls have been missing at Christmas but they always come just after. I have to admit I like it best when they are here for the real thing. Having people say they would rather be somewhere else is a slap in the face, though.

    1. I would rather have large Christmas Day lunches like we did when my girls were little but things change so I adapt

  4. It is sad for the parents but it is natural that our children will go their own way as they have grown into adults. We will just have to get used to the changes and find our own way.

  5. That is a really tough one. I know how I would feel if that happened in my family. So far it hasn't. One of my sons comes home here from far away each holiday, and the others gather here at the house they grew up in on the day. The married son and his wife and child are here for either the actual day or the one just before. They switch from my home to her parents home, back and forth, every other years for the main amount of time spent. on the actual day , i.e. Christmas for example. This year they will spend the day at her family's home and Christmas Eve with me. Next year will be the opposite. .

    1. Yeah my grandson Blain will spend on Christmas Eve/Christmas morning with his mum and the next year with his dad, I will have all the girls and grandchildren here Boxing Day for lunch

  6. Yes, it's sad when the people you love either don't get along or have other plans. I spent about 5 Christmases by myself in my early 20s because I lived 5 hours from home & worked retail, so I worked late on Christmas Eve & early the day after Christmas. And now, I haven't been home for Christmas since I've lived Ohio, and that's been 17 years. We celebrate with my hubby's family on Christmas Eve, and for the past several years we've just sat home by ourselves on Christmas day. It's too expensive to fly home and it's a 19 hour drive. Maybe some year we'll be able to spend it with my family again.


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