Tuesday, 12 December 2017

Christmas traditions or not

Are your holidays steeped in tradition?

Or are you a see what happens on the day type of person?

Or maybe for you it is a bit of both.

As a child tradition played a big part in Christmas celebrations for me, and as a young mother also but the last few years things have changed my daughters are all mothers and like to do their own thing on Christmas Day.

Some years Jessica and Leo will spend Christmas Eve here so Santa can visit Leo as Jessica doesn't like to play Santa and fill Leo's Christmas sack, however, this year she has said she will be spending Christmas Eve at her cousins house because Kelli doesn't want to be alone on Christmas Eve, her partner Jonathon is working.

Kathy and Michael will be going to his brother and sister in-laws house for Christmas lunch this year, some times I get the impression that we are not good enough for Kathy & Michael his family are more upper class. Kathy says she doesn't feel like she fits in anywhere, this is something her father says as well.

I have no idea what Natasha and Blain are doing on Christmas Day, if Blain is with his mum we will see them but if he is with his dad and Kelli she may decide to spend the day with Steve and if that is the case we will not see her.


  1. Our kids alternate Christmas between us and the in-laws each year. We always get to see them sometime over the holidays anyway so it's no big deal.

  2. I have to admit we are very nontraditional - seems things change every year. Merry CHristmas

  3. Once upon a time in a different life, we had traditions. Many of them I miss.

  4. We always had a tradition at Christmas when my parents were alive now days we all do our own thing. This year we are having Christmas Dinner/barbecue on Christmas Eve day, then Christmas Day having a traditional dinner.

    1. Yeah things change over time, I expect when my parents pass away or are unable to do Christmas things will change more

  5. We mix some of the traditions we grew up with and some traditions we've started ourselves. It's a nice marriage of the old and the new.


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