Saturday, 30 September 2017

My break away

Well as you all should know I have been away for a few days at Stockton caravan park where I had sucky internet, which is where I started writing this.

Stockton is only 30 minutes drive from home and it was a nice park and I had a good time, even though I forgot to pack warm pants.

On Wednesday night Tim and I went for tea at the bowling club, Tim of course complained about the cost of the meals. I got a flake cheesecake to go and that was so nice.

Tim now wants to sell the caravan, because it is too small, doesn't have air con and we don't use it as much as he thought we would, all reasons I gave when I wasn't sure about getting a caravan.......

On Thursday morning while he was fishing he caught a baby shark and it made his day, he was so happy about catching it, he took photos and posted them to Facebook, although he said he would have been happier if Blain & Leo had been with him.

Later on while Leo, Sydney-May & Summer were here Tim caught a Shovel Nose Ray or a Shovel Nose Guitarfish which he was thrilled about as were the kids, not just ours but many kids who saw it on the ground near the van, lots of people came to have a look at it.

Friday saw us up at 7am and packed up and leaving by 8.30am, when we got to mum & dad's there was a small white car parked across the road and Tim had to go in search of the owner to have it moved so he could reverse the caravan down the driveway.

We arrived home here by around 11am and had a house full of people till around 3pm, four grandchildren, the neighbours granddaughter, two daughters and one niece so the house was loud and full. It was nice when they all left and the house was quiet.

Today it will be just me and Leo for most of the day, although Kathy and the girls will be here later, she is bringing my grocery shopping over and will vacuum out for me while she is here. Tim is at work today.


  1. That sure is a big fish. Can you eat it?

  2. Keep the Caravan for a few years. It will not decrease in value and you will still have the choice of using it or not using it. If it does not cost too much to maintain it, don't deprive yourselves of that choice.

  3. That was great for him! I would have been beyond thrilled.

  4. Sounds like a fun weekend. Camping season is over for us here. All the campgrounds close in the middle of October. That is a huge fish! Looks like the kids had fun, too.

    1. Yes the kids did have fun can't imagine a caravan park being closed not really heard of here


Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria

  First up there are two new posts over at my Random Stuff https://jamfn....