Saturday, 16 September 2017

Random thoughts No:5

Well here we are at the end of another week, been a mixed bag weather wise this week, cool and then stinking hot followed by another cool day. Here are this weeks random thoughts......................

My precious first born daughter turned 32 on Sunday, so we had a baked lunch and of course Natasha was a no show yet again...........

Seeing Natasha and Jessica happy to see each other............................

Damn it is hot this Wednesday, so hot had to have the air con on, before turning it on I had to clean the filter, so also cleaned the filter in the bedroom air con, couldn't figure out how to get the filter out of the air con in Tim's office.

Asked Tim how the filter comes out of his air con, you would think I asked him a really stupid question by his reaction but when he went to get it out he couldn't figure it out either for a bit but in the end he got it out and it didn't need cleaning.

When I was waiting for Leo on Wednesday afternoon, I look up and see him walking towards me with a teacher and all I can think is what has happened now, he had something in his eye and even though it had been washed out a few times it was still annoying him. Took him to the doctor and while waiting to be called in he tells me his eye is fine, so we come home without see the doctor.
Answering letters this afternoon

Southo & Pepsi Max at the end of the day, nice

Having to ask a stranger to lift my leg into the car while out shopping and needing Blain to lift my leg into the house when I got home.

A 4.30am phone call from Jessica because she needed Catapress for Leo and of course I got up and took over some for her, so Leo could sleep.


  1. Well done for cleaning the filters. I know the feeling about getting the look when I can't do something. So rewarding when they can't either, Hee Hee.

    1. Yes made me feel happy to see he have trouble with it as well


Iraq National Anthem

  This week we are looking at Iraq’ national anthem it is titled Mawtini which in English mean My Homeland, it is a poem written by the Pale...