Saturday, 2 September 2017

Random thoughts No 3

Feeling sick and spending a day in bed................................

Improving but not great yet.....................

Hurricane Harvey............................

Father's Day weekend.....................

I don't like telemarketers...........................

Answered 9 letters this week, so far..................................

Still cold here...............................

My ankles are much better, walking pretty much normally......................

I love being home alone, never get lonely, never get bored..........................


  1. Hi, Jo-Anne!

    I enjoyed reading your stream of consciousness (random thoughts). I'm sorry you are still ill. My throat is still a little scratchy. Hurricane Harvey is every community's worst nightmare, or darn close to it. Like you I love to be alone and never get lonely or bored when I am in the company of me, myself and I.

    Feel better and have a great weekend, dear friend Jo-Anne!

    1. Thank you, I am glad you liked the post, today I am home mostly alone as Tim has gone to work, I am feeling much better today

  2. Hope you feel better soon. I am home alone almost all the time and I never seem to get bored or lonely. Of course, the internet helps so you don't feel as alone. I always have projects lined up--even when I don't feel well enough to work on them--then I can watch Netflix. ;)

    1. So true can't imagine life without the internet now and tv helps

  3. Hi Jo-Anne :) Hope you will feel better soon :)


  4. I don't mind being alone. I am VERY glad your ankles feel better. Mine is a bit better.


Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria

  First up there are two new posts over at my Random Stuff https://jamfn....