Monday, 25 September 2017

Guess's Monday again

Here we are at another Monday and its another hot day here in Newie, not as hot as yesterday though had the air con on from 6.30am yesterday when I got up as it was so hot there was a hot wind blowing. When Tim got up at 8am he was shocked that I had the air con on already but quickly realised how hot it was.

Now at 10am yesterday I went back to bed as I felt so tired, I sent both Kathy and Jess a text telling them I was going back to bed and they could cook lunch and wake me when it was ready, which Kathy did. One moment I was getting into bed the next moment Kathy was telling me lunch was ready and it was 11.45am.

Yesterday afternoon Tim and I went and picked up the caravan and brought it back here as this morning Tim had to take the caravan to the auto electrician and tomorrow we are taking it away for a few days.

We are only going over to Stockton which is only 30-45 minutes from home we will be home on Friday. Tim wants to do so beach fishing and I am just going to sleep and read and write blog posts to save for future use.


  1. Rest rest rest when you are gone. :)

  2. I'm quite familiar with the hot wind that blows. We have that most summers. You just can't get cool even in the shade. I've had the air conditioning on since May. I refuse to be hot in my own house. LOL

  3. Don't think you could manage the heat where I live :) Enjoy your caravan trip :)

  4. It's your turn now for the HOT weather. We're still having some hot temps...then it will drop down and be like Fall. It won't settle until mid Nov.

    1. Yeah I get that we at the caravan park and it is really cool and I don't have long pants

  5. I hope you get a good rest. You must be worn out, especially from all the pain you've suffered.


    1. I am worn out and plan to do nothing much the next couple of days


Iraq National Anthem

  This week we are looking at Iraq’ national anthem it is titled Mawtini which in English mean My Homeland, it is a poem written by the Pale...