Wednesday, 19 July 2017

Photo Wednesday

A photo of mum and Tim taken on our cruise, mum and Tim have a really close relationship no one can say anything bad about Tim around mum she will tear strips off you if  you do, just like she did with his father and brother when they said something about him she didn't like.


  1. What a great picture. Pictures are such a wonderful thing, they bring back memories for us and they allow us to share our memories with others.

  2. That is such a great picture. They both look so happy. Have a great day.

  3. Mum prolly wants to whup me...

  4. Nice that they get along so well. :)

  5. What a happy picture. Good that they can get along well.

  6. That is so neat that Tim and your Mum get along so well. Not all families are lucky in that respect.


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