Monday, 24 July 2017

Did you know Monday

Hello everyone, here I am on this lovely, not too cold Monday morning had a somewhat late start, when my alarm went off at 4.30am I just didn't feel like getting up so it was 6am by the time I got up still managed to do 53 minutes of exercise. I packed it in when Leo got here as I had to pack his lunch and running him a shower now I am starting this before I have to leave to take him to school.

Friday saw me using a wheelchair while I went shopping and Jessica pushing me around and it was a big help I was in hardly any pain by the time I was finished and it only took 2hrs to get everything done instead of 4hrs it has taken me the previous weeks. So I will be doing that for the next couple of weeks and hopefully the ankle will really start to heal with no set backs.

Saturday saw me unwell and spending most of the day in bed sleeping, just had an upset tummy no vomiting or anything just felt upset in the tummy and not feeling great, yesterday though I was ok and today I am ok as well.

So since this is Monday that means it is did you know Monday, so today's did you know is this........

King Francis 1 paid Leonardo Da Vinci the equivalent of $50,000 US for his painting of the Mona Lisa and had it displayed in the Louvre. It has been there ever since except for two years that it was stolen (1911-1913). During the time it was missing, six different Americans paid $300,000 each for fakes they thought were the stolen painting.


  1. Hey someone just offered me one for a $1.95 in my e-mail, jk

    1. For a buck 95 I am sure it would be both fake and the size of a postage stamp

  2. Hope you stay well and feel better and that your ankle heals up. :)

  3. Hope your ankle has a speedy recovery and good to know that you are feeling better now. Take care. Have a beautiful day!

  4. I'm glad Jessica helped out with the wheelchair. I hope she can continue to do that. You need your rest.


    1. She said she would push me around for the next couple of weeks

  5. I'm happy that Jessica could help, and I hope that you can continue recovering. I hate to hear about your ankle! Take care of yourself. You are always taking care of everyone else!


    1. The ankle is starting to at last heal and feel better, Jessica is my special girl

  6. I am sorry to hear that you are still having health issues but it is nice that Jessica is helping.

    That's interesting about the Mona Lisa. Serves the American's right for trying to buy what they thought was stolen merchandise.


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